LoL ladders updated

Thank you riot, LoL ladders has been updated, yellowpete has already 1917 at solo q (eu-west, dont care about us&ne shit server) :D!

--solo q--
How your games going after reset? inb4 elo hell :DD::D:D:D:D

My score is 35w to 15l+ 1 left from champ select coz i was dumb lol!
not tryharding at all, picking brand for support, testing runes/item builds on champions but overall games are easy :D

Going for top50!

--premade 5on5--
polaks from Delta dominating premade ladder getting 1,3,5,8,10 place after reset, also polaks from FX doing well at start of this pre-season but wait:

Pre-made Queues: If you’re active in pre-made Queue play, you’ve noticed individual Elo tracking and Ladders aren’t the best way to track how a pre-made group ranks against other groups. In Season Two, we’re going to dramatically improve the way we display and track this information. As such, we’re going to be resetting pre-made Elo at the start of Season Two to make way for some changes!



phrik 2 gud
Season 2:
Solo Queue (5v5) 1435 (W:15, L:9)
Premade (5v5) unranked (W:0, L:0)
i really dont like the new losing winning elorate, like a win/lose gives around +/- 50 elo, its pretty shit tbh

right now on 1446 elo, solo Q 6-1

didnt play premade
well i didnt get +50 elo boost games, only +20 so i was kinda sad, but i will get my elo anyway so who cares :P and yea its kinda unfair ;D
many ppl played 14+ games before they disabled ranked games for 3-4 days and didnt get +50 elo games( coz they turned this boost on after this few days break and if u had 14 games or more u didnt get boost ) :P

its like first 0-14/20 games +30-50
20-40 games like +15-25
and after normal +12/13 elo

something like that
try read about the elo system. It's only in the start.
i am right now 1-1, but only because i did the same misstake again as i did in season 1: i played support.....

true, always when i play support/tank my teammates are failing. so annoying, because i like to play them from time to time
i LOVE playing support, but sad enough: you can't play support, when you don't know how good your carries are...

season 1 i had 50% winrate, and 90% of the wins i got with junglers.... really annoying, when you ahve to play jungle over and over again, only to win the games. whenever i tried support, i lost :/
i had 64,4% winrate, won 80% of the games when i played irelia solo top and 70% malzahar mid

thats why i will just play one of those just to farm elo :D
rofl bullshit.
its so easy to win botlane with Alistar support, gank mid and shit = win the game.
also won 3/3 games with brand support, coz enemy are always braindead :DDDdd
also very easy if you are forced to play support, having lvl 17 alistar after 50minutes, brand with almost 300 cs getting caught every second eventho you have a shitload of wards, same goes for a caitlyn in our team
edit: and noone has banshee = enemies annie can still rape lategame one hiting all the trash in my team
hahaha u mad, cant carry noobs :D:D:;d:Dd;
my last account was 19-1 in ranked games, didnt even pick tf all the time, carried with vlad/tf/brand and my friend on botlane playing ashe/soraka
and i almost carried my first gankplank ranked game yesterday but people didnt want to get carried
cool story bro.
i care much about guy who played 20 rankes games and thinks he is good :D:D:D.
its a friends account lol, my 4th or something
i played more than 700 ranked games in total +/- 1800 elo
my first acc got lifetime ban, sold 2nd and 3rd on gold rating and now playing this one
>gold rating
OLololollolool so hard bro.
tell me your name, lets check out your rating n shit
I'm shy in front of pro like you :(
got 1919(still shit but more than you :D:D) top elo, , happy now?
need your name you know? im top 3 bro, happy now?
Haha u need to lie coz u are shit.
get laid faggot polak :) quit watching streams, playing all day long, checking out their homepage and other shit
Ok mr reallifer with 3 accounts:D:D
playing for 1 1/2 years or smth already
and u are still shit?
like i said in my 1st reply, would rape you on any lane :p
im out polak, keep checking out lol news etc.
i know it "should" be easy to win games, even with support, but when ALL of your mates are a total-fail....

e.g.: nocturnejungle, no ganks at all, maybe 2 ganks in 40 minutes

mid: 2/7

top: 1/4 singed (got fb tho!)

AD-carry: 5/5/2 <--- and that's only cuz i got them so low all the time, the most dmg of this kills did I!
Go play HoN in stead.
stop comparing this games! the only thing same on them is the map which looks the same, NOTHING more
Eventhough I was not comparing the games but just stating that you can play HoN in stead of LoL since the basics of the games are a lot a like. There are a lot more similarities. If you deny that you are just ignorant.
They are both dota type games, both copies of dota. Hon is faster and requires more skill. Lol is slower and not based around ganking but farming and staying in lane. Guess the only thing I prefer about LoL is the cartoonish graphics.
what is HoN
knowing average stuff, acting like bigfat on crossfire l0l polak :p
im better than bigfat l0l
retards on my team owning me
At low 1400's right now. havent played a lot yet
ive got 12+ for wins -40 to 50 from

bug or what? i went 5-0 but still in elo hell because of it now im at 1254 or so
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