Fifa or PES 2012?

Which one are you gonna buy / Which series do you prefer ?

[ ] Fifa
[ ] PES
[ ] not a single duck was given that day

After watching videos of gameplay, Fifa seems better for me

image: 3DAn
image: hqbm
[x] fifa obviously

PES for newschool faggots
why would that be :p both fifa and PES developers brought out first game in 1994, so there is no oldskool/newschool stuff involved :<
Yeah, because it is not like the PES and ISS series were way better than the old FIFA games.

Oh wait.
since 2008 PES sucks compared to Fifa

And I used to be a huge PES fan
in 4 years of being registered on this site its the first time ive seen you speak sense, well done go have a beer.
[X] fifa kurwy
[X] PES FOR PC and [X] FIFA for PS3
[ ]x fifa

but not going to buy it
Tried both, bought fifa, cause of the licensing. But downloaded pes for aswell since its more realistic Yet again this year
Fifa has been better than PES for 3 years now.
PES is a great example of quality beating a lazy company.

Hope they still manage to fix the goalies though, they seem a bit weak and bugged :-P
will try both but in my opinion, so far PES was better.
I just pre-ordered FIFA 12. Bit sceptic about the new defending but fifa has ultimate team <3
fifa all the way..
[x] FIFA
last year pes was a disaster
[x] not a single duck was given that day

since no1 wanted this its MINE now
[X] not a single duck was given that day
[x] press C to duck
[x] PES

and that means something! i dont really like football at all, but i just feeled like playing a football video game. i went for PES 2011...and i dont regret it at all. :)
FIFA, gnna receive it tomorrow :)
FIFA is about 9000 times better than PES.
I would get Fifa, but the defending is absolutely awful this year, so Pes it is!
You can turn it off tho
But you can't play ranked matches with it off!
True, gotta get used to it thn cuz fifa > pes
will prolly try both and see which one is better

fucking EA (or any other firm) hasn't been making any NHL games for PC since NHL09 so have to do with these football games.. guess I'll buy a PS3 soon though so that I can switch back to NHL
Love how last year all the PES fans shut the fuck up and now it's a new season they are starting to pipe up again.
until they realise fifa has blown them the fuck away, again
I used to love the really old PES / ISS games BACK IN THE 1990'S! But they have royally fucked their games up recent years and it suprises me people still think it's good compared to fifa! :\
I think the pure simulation of football and the build up of attacks, passing, field control etc is a lot better in PES than in Fifa. However in everything else, Fifa wins easily (atmosphere, licensing, animations etc.).
PES is like a crappy arcade version. There is no realy skill involved in the passing and such. Fair enough it seems fifa, this year, have cocked the defending system up but it still pisses all over PES once again.
You obviously didn't play last years PES. I hated a lot of things about that game, the ridiculous speed of players without the ball, the RIDICULOUS penalty system etc. But, competent flowing passing moves took a lot of skill.
I had it but traded it in because it was just shocking. This will probably be the first time I just buy the one of them.

EDIT: Fifa penalties were also fucking terrible as well last year.
Weird, to me PES feels like an arcade game compared to FIFA. This year it's not even that bad but it doesn't stand a chance against FIFA.
FIFA all the way, played every fifa since '98 and they never dissapointed me. Played every pes since 2000 and they keep dissapointing me so yea FIFA FUCK YEA
[x] PES PC

[x] FIFA PS3
[X] Fifa obviously
[x] FIFA of fucking course !
[o] PES for the naabs
Tried both demos,

pes sucked hard but shoot & pass still nice
fifa was better overall but miss smth
i'd go with fifa, have been playing the early release for a while now, pes has been shit since 2008, and even then i would stick with fifa
Fifa !
[X] not a single duck was given that day
Fifa !

Also, fifa street 4 is coming out in 2012 some time :)
tried it yet?
demo yeah .. tactical defending sucks, legacy defending is fine tho :)
got the early release for the full game, seems pretty good aside from the goalkeeper shit, tactical defending and the impact bugs. and if i ignore the slider options, it's good
only liked street 1.
3 was probably the most fucked up shit ever imo.
same! i heard they are trying to make it like 1 :)
hopefully :) 1. rocks ass
fifa in general

pes if you got external devices
PES only owned at PS2 after FIFA didnt changed and stayed the same for like 2 years.
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