Trolling facebook.

image: fbtroll3

You can follow this tuTROLLriel if you'r from UK
You will be one of the main reasons why facebook will eventually charge users for using it's services.

well played, mongool.
They gain more by ads than they would ever for making it a paid service...
actualy they can't do that^^
don't be silly, of course they can :D
yes, they can
well at least here in germany they can't, because they have to supply you with these information for free
Hey remove my profile picture
well played sir.
Already did it and also having facebook gold account :]
wtf is gold account?
That is..the wrong law.
You need to put in the EU law not the UK one..

It was posted here on crossfire some days ago.
Going to order my request right now, made photos of passport <3

There's so much stuff which could get me into deep trouble +
all the memoriessss


here you can download it yourself

e: here it is

Artikel 12 Europäische Datenschutzrichtlinie,
Section 4 DPA + Art. 12 Directive 95/46/EG

Ah it seems it just lacked the first line
So they can also get your passport details?
There's nothing in my passport they don't know already.
Gonna blend out the number.
I requested it with "Section 4 DPA + Art. 12 Directive 95/46/EG" :(
Did you recieve it yet :P
e: wart ich probier das auch mal eben >.<
kann ja nicht sein dass das net angnommen wird
got an e-mail with "we will contact u within 40 days"
nice! did you send your phonenumber?
yes.. as I use two-way login (so everytime someone logs into my acc i get a sms with a verfication code) they got my phone number anyway.. and I also use facebook on android so.. facebook haz it all ! :P
why would you use that doublecheck
more security ! :> i have pretty much the same for googlemail
i c. well..i login to facebook every 10 minutes sometimes due to the fact that im logging out everytime so letting it recheck with my phone would take to long and therefore is counterproductive for me. My password has 20 digits so np there you should try it aswell :)
my pw is smth like 18 digits with All kind of signs (Aa1#"! etc) but as soon as you login via a public wifi, someone could already have your password :P Same goes for information stealing malware :( And since I login every day once its not a big deal for me :P Actually I think you can also "safe" a device and then you will only get an sms when some other device that is not saved tries to log in.
Oh public Wi-fi! true
Any everyone who gets into your current wifi (which isn't had if its not using wpa/wpa2).
yea..i had to deactivate the stupid upc wlan, somebody tried to sneak in a couple of weeks ago or the router created a second, PUBLIC hotspot on its own i dunno i dont care. Got a non-master pass for it and now it works flawlessly but still..
And WPA2 is not 100 % safe.
i guess the best solution is to use a VPN all the time
Sorry, your request could not be processed.

Please try again

and you have to pay for the transfer ..?
They aren't keeping data that they said they would delete because in the contract when you join Facebook you agree to let them keep anything about you forever, nothing ever gets deleted, Facebook does what it said it would from the beginning, just it seems everyone glossed over that fact
Mais c trop bien putain trop fort serieux !


We have received your subject access request (the “Request”).

Due to the volume of personal data access requests that we have recently received, we are experiencing significant delay in processing such requests. We therefore are unlikely to respond within 40 days of your initial request. We appreciate your patience and will respond as soon as possible.

We are presently refining our request response processes and approach to align the present high volume of access requests with the resources available to process these requests. We appreciate your patience and will respond as soon as possible.

Please be aware as well that we are not required to comply with any future similar requests, unless, in our opinion, a reasonable period of time has elapsed.

Again, we appreciate your patience and we will respond as soon as possible.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,
Facebook User Operations – Data Access Request Team
they arent rewritable anyway , why collect garbage?
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