GJ CB part 230523

After all the mess with qualifiers, forming of groups and handing out the cards I just wrote about there's still more to come.

It just got into my attention that bF, who originally got invited based on their Belgian lineup, are now going to replace most of their lineup (4/6) with players from the previous SPEED-LINK / HAMMERZEIT team and an yet unknown 6th player (http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=42067).

What is wrong with this?

1. bF was invited based on another lineup and thus this new lineup shouldn't be entitled to the inviation

2. Added players already played a qualifier for HAMMERZEIT and lost it. This means that according to rule 15.3 ("Players who played for the losing clan in a qualifier must first go through the new member procedure (as described in the Clans And Players section) before they can play for another clan.") they shouldn't be allowed to play during the first match week.

Of course if, as according to rules they should, they wouldn't be allowed to play during the first match, they could still make it to the playoffs by doing well on the remaining two games.

3. According to rule 5.8 ("The clan have not already added 3 new players during this Cup. ") you can only add 3 players to your lineup during the cup.

If CB is going to allow all these exceptions I guess there's nothing more to say than good job CB, once again!
Twidi loves the series aswell! are you watching uk or us version? or perhaps both?
cb gone full retard :]
lol...you snitch

you're gonna sleep with the fishes
twidi mad cuz no ec
you got me all confused now :(
go for it jussi :DD <3

dont mess with twidi clownbase!
i don't understand why teams keep playing in that retarted CB...
For years no one was whining that clanbase didnt even remotely stick to it's rules and all of a sudden someone is wanting them to enforce their rules? No offence, but I think you are a million years too late. And in the end CB will allow everything because we are talking about the so called "high"-teams.
we are talking about a dying game D:
apart from that.
Definately not the first time I'm whining about CB not going by their rules at all. Been doing it for years and always hated it. Why can't they just make new rules that they could stick to? Rather have a well organized tournament with clear rules and structure that is missing a team or two than a chaotic tournament like EC currently is.
I totally agree with you, EC is a joke considering it's admins and the none-enforcement of any rules. And honestly bF shouldnt be allowed to pick up so many players (remembering my team in div575326752 got a red card because we added a fourth player to our APL while teams in EC where switching and using mercs just like they wanted :>) but seriously - nothing's gonna change. If you want to play by the rules you should play OC - at least that is my impression. There has always been a very big gap of how rules where used (if used at all) between OC and EC and it will not change at all, especially since many "high"-players will get butthurt and act "bla, they agreed, cant we just play, we are going to quit EC, fuck CB, bla bla bla"
Well, Its not that big deal bF "tricked" CB and getting direct invite (I still think there shouldnt be any direct invites, would solve shitloads of problems that are occuring now). I wouldnt really care about them adding 4-5 more players even when rules say 3 at max. But its bullshit to allow more than half of players from one team which lost both quali games and is supposed to play OC to compete in EC. There is gonna be dropout either way, but cmon, its pretty unfair for both teams that played them knowing that at the end, those matches didnt matter at all...
we didnt try to "trick" CB btw, I got informed a few days ago that we only have 2 players left, so we had to try to find 4 new members...
thats why its in quotes, I didnt mean trick like you lied, I just used twidis expression from his post.
Not a very important thing here, but would still like to point out that I didn't mention or imply that it would've been bF's original intention to do it like this and I can't see any reason why they would've wanted to do this sort of "trick".
hmm, dunno from who I have this "trick" word, seems you didnt use it (I thought I have read it somewhere in ur long post, my apologies for misguiding). I didnt mean it like they did it intentionally with sole purpose of tricking CB into giving them direct invite. I just wanted to express, that I dont see that as a big problem, neither allowing them to get another 5 players to complete lineup. The only problem in this case from my point of view, is allowing 4 players from one team which got dropped from EC because of 2 losses in qualifier to join directly invited team. It really breaks integrity and original purpose of having qualifier.
should not be allowed to play
twidi for admin I say
For once I agree with you, even though you're most likely trolling.
can't be worse than goldo
vote twidi for strict rules and zero tolerance for bs
Office =D
It happened tonight, we were offline...
How could we do anything yet? ;o
Heard from an anonymous source that goldorak already said that he is going to allow it. Otherwise I wouldn't have made the journal at this point yet.

What do you have to say regarding the given red card for codelust by the way? Would like to hear the reason(s) behind it.

edit: nvm about the card, already saw your comment regarding it from the previous journal
Hope your anonymous source has wrong intel because if this transformation of bF into hammerzeit gets actually fully allowed, than there is nothing else to do than to say fuck CB, fuck EC.
dobra zamknij juz morde jebany plastusiu
zamknij dupsko kudlaczu
sklej pizde pedale
Go twidi go =D
jussi mad, fucking nerd raging gypsy
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