Games games RAGE!

Hello crossies!

I'm at school reading same gaming news... which is totally wrong for me to do.
Never the less I read a review about Rage a new instalment from ID Software. First of all I was surprise that game is already out. I mean I try to follow the gaming news, but kinda missed the Rage. Well now that it is out most of the gamers are Raging and I do not mean they play the game. They just do not like it.

Example of an article.

So does someone have more news or experience about Rage?

PS: You cannot change graphics so much in PC version. You have like 3 options.

For me it is not a big deal. Really do not have time to play the games at the moment. I have still on my list a lot of game to finish. Like Fallout 3, FFXII etc (waiting for holidays).

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Not out here till the 7th afaik!
it's not out yet (can even still preorder it on steam)

looks good none the less though. but not worth the 50€ imo; waiting for the 11.11.11 to come, elderscrolls time :D
Skyrim oh yes. Been waiting for that game too, but after release of the games this year I wont pre-order anything. First will see what people will say.
true true; though i'll probably just get a look on it myself first, and then probably get it :P
havent finished ffxii either :(, like 2-3 big bosses to go

prolly gonna finish 9 first :XD
9 is good 7 is good 10 sux 8 sux dont have a clue about 12 and 13 is not that good. playing 13th atm and do not like
it tends to be that people who like 7 or 8 really dont like 10 and vice versa :D
i cant stand 7/8 myself, really liked 10 and 12 aswell, though 12 is pretty unique from everything else, its a lot more like an mmorpg, worth a shot imo, havent played 13 myself but 12 should be a load less constricted, your constantly freeroaming
well... 13 is just too simple: no puzzles no nothing you just run straight and there is a fucking save point every 10min. the only good thing about 13 is the battle system so far o:
thats the same i felt about x-2, the whole story was really meh, just tied up a few loose ends from x and created a whole bunch of random new ones, but i absolutely loved the battle and equipment system ;_;, id really like to play another game with that ATB/class/item setup
:) well if u got a new console go for Resonance of Fate
mmmm sadly no, my xbox360 is fucked up somewhere in a box, i can only play ps2 games emulated on my pc :(

but thanks for suggesting the game, now i atleast know that something like that actually exists :D if i ever end up buying a console
It isnt on TL.
It is ID software, ofc it sucks.
Fallout 3? Does that mean you didnt play NV yet? oh man you are in for quite a treat
i just keep refreshing TL :S

out for ps3/xbox but not PC FUFUFUF
Rage-SKIDROW 18gb
np :o
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