BF3 Beta trolled

Taken from the latest collumn:
QuoteTo summarise, Origin's:
- is always on, not just when you're playing an EA game (and it is a memory hog)
- scans your entire system and reports back everything you have installed
- monitors your internet usage and tracks your browsing history
- sells all gathered information to 3rd party advertisers


image: ru8pr

image: coolface_trollface_problem_officer_
kinda expected all though its just beta its pretty sad (i myself enjoy it though) and the origin crap is crap xD
haha sad story.. People epxected marvelous game and they receive crap map with crap camping every corners noobs...

Ill buy original game anyway
The map just isn't suited for bf style playing, kinda bad choice to put that to the beta
Ye, thats what Im talking in allBF3 threads... This map isnt so represesntive for BF games
Pretty much the same for ETQW back then, we all know how it ended. Of course the two games can't be compared, but still it will be interesting if there's gonna be any 'serious' BF competition or just your usual first week sponsored tournaments.
Wasn't the BFBC2 Beta "bad" as well but in the end the game became a quite successful pub game
Ye could be. I'm pretty sure though that he isn't looking for a pub game :-P
BF has always been a pub game. even the glorified BF2 was a pubgame to most of its players.
Thats what it is supposed to be
BF42 was nice, had quite some leagues back then. Then again the competetive scene at that time was different and mostly about playing online anyway. No idea if it had many LANs (it had a couple!)
pub game, right
BF3 wuld be the same imo :/
I do think they where trying to attract cod players with that beta, thus not making it such a big step away from a cod game
Nice troll 10/10
nvm Game of the year..! just kidding.
Never planned to buy it, but one of my friend had pre ordered and cancered soon after playing :)

I just wish more people would do that instead of eating up all the shit that publishers shove down their throats.

Hopefully this twitter post is not a fake.
I would be surprised if this is real, because I can't imagine EA/DICE to publish these statistics.
? cancelling because it was a shit beta? i never played it just want infos
Not only becasue it's a shit beta. Here is the info you wanted maybe. -
lol sad
I just came here expecting a random chick.
if more people reply on this comment, then u will get your randomchick

else its not worth
A post of you without a chick is not a real post of you :D
i like the beta tbh
i guess the pre-orders were canceled cause the noobs got rolled.
nobody rly cares about this origin stuff. well apart from sweaty fat lefty slobs you dont like other people to make money at no real cost to themselfs. making money is good so get over this origin shit. remember all the tards whining about steam but that didnt stop it either and nobody rly minds it anymore.

also the game is awesome
the main problem is privacy not the money, dont you read anything?

edit to your edit: steam only collects data related to its own products, EA can scan whatever they want of your whole pc, they're barely even in the same ball park so i dont see why you keep comparing them

It’s not unusual for such software to collect information from your computer relating to itself, and it’s not unknown that using that software means you agree to this information being distributed anonymously to third parties. Steam, for instance, warns that it will,

“store information on a user’s hard drive that is used in conjunction with online play of Valve products. This includes a unique authorization key or CD-Key that is either entered by the user or downloaded automatically during product registration. This authorization key is used to identify a user as valid and allow access to Valve’s products. Information regarding Steam billing, your Steam account, your Internet connection and the Valve software installed on your computer are uploaded to the server in connection with your use of Steam and Valve software.”

But there’s a significant difference. Valve’s policy is self-restricted to anything on your PC directly relating to its own products. EA’s is so broad that it gives the publisher permission to scan your entire hard drive, and report back absolutely anything you may have installed, and indeed when you may use it, and then pass that information on the third parties.
and you believe everything razzah posts on the internet.
what does my above post have to do with what razzah posted?
you dont seem to get that i dont care. if there is no downside for me (non-original software presecution) i dont care. if they can use the trash on my PC to make money they may do that i am happy to be of assistance.
making money is good
if you dont care so much and its just your opinion, why is everyone that suddenly disagrees with you a noob that got rolled and a fat sweaty slob? if you want to have your opinion that you're entitled to then by all means take it, just dont categorise the rest of us as morons because you're taking EA's dick in your ass and are okay with it
from newspost
QuoteI want to support gaming and in particular PC gaming, but I frankly refuse to sign up to Origin's so that they can extract whatever data they please for free so that an EA executive can drive a new Ferrari.

saying stuff like that is just pathetic.
I don't give a fuck if they have data about all the weird shit I do on the interwebs

Privacy is non-existent nowadays
why would anyone care when they are not able to sell the data to 3rd party

Also funny how this comes up with bf beta while its been there for ages on EA games :D
before playing the game online so they could gather such information was optional, with the introduction of origin it is not, you can either register the game through origin and they will take the information regardless of whether you play single player only or not

tl;dr before it was optional, now its not unless you'd rather have no game at all
cancelled it about a month ago cause of origin, havent even tried beta
you got trolled because it's a fake tweet

QuoteThe Battlefield Tweet never posted that and Twitter account UspexRoma which that image claims re-tweeted it never posted on the 30th September.

We may have lost some pre-orders but we have also gained pre-orders.

Ps3 Only for me!
I like this beta but FUCKS SAKE its annoying dropping through the floor every minute :@:@:@
i wanted to buy it but after i knew about origin i wont buy it never and never
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