No more PB: ET is dead?

EvenBalance, the wonderful people who brought us the great anti-cheat known as PunkBuster, have stopped supporting ET as of today.

As you can see on their homepage, our beloved ET has been removed from their list of supported games, along with Quake 3, RtCW, and a few others:

Because of this, it may become impossible to generate new etkeys, so if you play on a public server (Jaymod ftw) with PB, or even if you don't, save your etkey!

image: 4ULmg
wtf i want it back!
they must remove Wolfenstein game no RTCW :@
I think they stopped making real updates when we quit playing etpro with pb
they should disable it so we get new players :$
mbaye some pubbers will use tz-ac now so np
ohuhrcool :$
Wolfenstein v1.751

finally! we are free now =)
shame for public ET I guess..
you can just make ur own :U
lets get my hacks back, pansemuckl rise and shine
this isnt a jaymod forum jonm8
yep, we need to do some advert for tzac now and tzac servers, some1 needs to do tzac guid xpsave and shit, GO coders save et stop making cheats save the fucking game, so u can sell more cheats dumbass! move
pb > tzac

rip et.
nP Got 10+ etkeys to switch through :PPPppp
Also means you can edit keys to someone else without authentication errors!
Well, you've been able to do that since ever. Jaymod, for instance, only bases its adminlevels and such on cl_guid, which you can edit with a cvar unlocker (or just lob whatever GUID you want into autoexec and it should change too). By default it was your PBGuid, but it's not enforced so you can change it however you see fit.
selling etkeys 2 euro each pm me before i run out
sad day for et

chaplja saved us

image: derpw
trading etkey for steam account, offer me
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