Enemy Territory Aim Practise

I used to paly paly a random mini game like 2 years ago, it was just an allied enemy territory npc running from the left to the right and back in sprint mode.
I can't find the game anymore on the internet, I don't even remember its name.. It could be a browser integrated game or a standalone .exe (found on a FTP server of a random russian ET player or something).

Help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
game is dead, volta made it you can pm him on cf
the game might be dead but well its still fun
btw thanks!
I'm clicking them for you mate! Stay beautiful. <3
You keep my heart beating <3 xx
since u made this beatutiful minigame imma click those ads for you!
well with this sense its shit^^
that game is dead
and it was pretty shit, the crosshair was shit, the movement was shit, the picture was so bad my eyes started to bleed after few secs and in 99% of the players who played it used a diff sens so its not aim pracc, its praccing how to waste time

i liked it tho :D
thanks man.
I can leak some information that a new mini flash game will be released soon from the same person, Australiavolta, who made this game you are talking about ;).
the enemy just wont die
nice idea but pretty useless imo..you could also use a proper ingame bot for something like that i suppose.
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