rambo mode killing spree & Aiming by seareal update

forgot to post this one, just gave the dl link, so here u go

hate the quality on stream !

also looking for some advice at popups, still not sure if i will use any or not but just to be sure

how do u make only "you killed / frags only by you" popups (without adding them from aae or vegas )

also, what do you think about this
http://www.c.dts-cup.org/done1.jpg (screenshot)
image: done1

All videos by Sloveniaseareal
Aiming by seareal
The server has been down for some time now, atleast 4days, it is because there is some noo good ppl stealing the hosting interwebz, the server should be back soon, with 100% more power then before since they also upgradet alot of stuff

I Am sorry for the inconveniance! But if you feel like playing/praccing the map, u can always find me on #PraccHardGoPro and just ask me for a priv server!

also if u might not know, thers a new rwj video out ther, with gabriel iglesias, yes iglesias with an eye

u live by the cake, u die by the cake
that clip is really horrible
what the fuck is that waste of bandwidth for a video?

Also you might want to get lower filesize/bitrate to maintain some of the quality on a stream.
what the fuck is that waste of bandwidth for a video?

so funny....good morning
i seriously forced myself to sit down and watch this shit for 3times and find atleast 1 good action , but ... i failed
seareal - killing spree qualy test
gtfo seriously
worst shit i've ever seen
killing Netherlandsspree
ok but where is the killing spree?
8man killing spree

can u cunt?
ok but where is the killing spree?
8man killing spree

can u cunt?
I count as good as you make movies so pretty shit I assume (?)
this sucks
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