League of Legends S2

Since I iz bored u want to know how ur season 2 is going so far.
got bored of too much randomness in s1 ... not going to waste time on ranked again

playing some just4fun premade summoners rift and dominion thats about it
anyways im still pro like in season 1 :'DDDD
iiky carries like no other.
wo bist du eigentlich! :((
hier! pm mir mal die ts daten ;< komm ich heut abend mal vorbei
you didnt even play one ranked yet YOU LIAR
doesnt say anything about me being PRO! :D
shit, got 12 points for win lost 40 for losses the first 10 games or so so im stuck even lower than before
that's not really how it works bro, nice bullshit!
could turn out like that if you loose your first 10 games or so.
if you lose the first 30 games perhaps, yes, but you're not gonna tell me a win in the 11th game only gave him 12 elo :P and he wouldn't be at 1340 if he lost that many x40 elo
True, but let's say he lost 7 out of his 10 first games, netting him -200 elo to start with. I believe the first ten games equal 40-50 elo (positive or negative). The first couple of games after that equal 20-30 elo degrading every game.
that is how it worked bro i started 5-0 for all these games i got like 12-13 points
then the next day (since i was still @ a low elo) i had to play with trolls and went 7-5 after and lost for all the 5 games like 40-48 rating

explain me how i can be 1344 with a 10win 5 losses otherwise ( i started at like 1284
stomping nerds with behemoth shiva and spellshards hard

poor ophelia
Trash monger.
That's why hon is more played.
If you're a beggar and a homeless person like yourself, and you must choose between a premium steak, or 15 sausages. What would you choose?

Which is better CoD or ET.. #OHWAIT
dominion is fun
hon copypasta version for crippled kids
you screwed up m8 no season2 yet
I did not :<
you surelly did mister
anyway sitting on 1524, havent played any ranked in the last few days and apparently the harder you/your team trolls with picks the easier is to win <,<
1700 elo wassup
np ill catch up soon enuf
won 8, lost 7 in solo ranked. mostly because of guys fucking up early farming phase and doing stupid things. OMG LET'S WIN THIS "dies" OMG NOOB Y U DONT HELP ME.. and so on and so on. if anybody wants to have a good guy on his team, ADD ME
was perfect till this afternoon, when i lost 4 ranked games in a row, because i had trolls again.
1. game im picking as 3. same time as 2nd, i told i want malza mid, he goes kassadin and locks instantlin in and says: "right of higher elo". as expected he was a stupid cunt feeding in mid
2. game we got a kog mow as 1st pick together with his premade friend who took soraka, as exptected they fed hard on botton lane against vayne+taric
3. after it was 6-8 for the enemy, suddenly our jungle gangplank said its "gg" sold his items on bought rabadons for just castin his ulti out of the spawn
4.supporter first takes 3 kills at botton lane, while ad carry would have easy got them... then he even steals 2 kills from me in the mid...
sounds like a load of QQ
1st rule of soloQQ - TAKE ALL THE KILLS
ks = kill secure :P
stopped playing this shitgame for a month already... feels good rly

selling my lvl 30 account with 35 champs! pm me
i gief you 1 euro :)
i'll add you to my buddylist in exchange for the account!
casual game for casual nerds who like to farm 45 mins. nice
and u play sc2, building up everytime a base again and again...
:D SC2 rarely take 45 min , rarely take 30min actually
I believe the average length of a regular game of LoL is 40 minutes.
for me its like 10min cuz i leave after that,got lvl3 leaver or w/e now whenever i leave a game i get suspended for a week or so
better, day after day
was 1500 but trolls appear. btw im searching another mate for solo que 5v5 if someone avi pm me. (i play support)
add me "futimojo" im always up for da duo
first decent LoL player on crossfire, hail
Xerath needs balancing quite desperately, it is as if he wasnt tested at all.. even seeing the spotlight video it was obvious he was op, the guy who does those vids is average with the last 4-5 champs then is suddenly pwning with this one ;)
People always say champions are OP looking at the spotlights and maybe 2-3 games. New champsions will always look OP in champion spotlight because Phreak shows them in games where he's raping. This makes sense since they want people to buy the champion.

How would you react if the spotlight features "And here I combo my Q and ultimate, but unfortunately it does not do enough damage and I get killed"?
Yes true, they will always show the pwn moments :) this is obvious marketing - I am just saying compare the ownage.

Talon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKdX7aB3TRk#t=2m06s
Here we see basic talon skills, opponents are not dying very quickly due to talon more to a team effort - and the solo lane bit of the video shows how he can quickly run away and dodge incoming skills, so nothing special.

Xerath: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v5MmuMJ2qU#t=2m57s
his ulti range and dmg is insane - and like I have mentioned about his skill shot the animation is so short its only dodgable if he fails the aim. Added that he has a stun and its a bit too much for such an already powerful champion.

The guy doing the vids isnt even an amazing player, and in the few games I have played with and against Xerath its just my opinion he needs some balancing - for instance attacking players at their tower should have a down side / element of risk (you get attacked by the tower) with Xerath there is none as he is nearly x2 range away from a tower.
Do note that top tournament players think that Talon is broken right now. You made your point. However, Xerath is and AP carry built to do damage where as Talon is a melee fighter that has to build durability in order to get the maximum out of his abilities.
Dont get me wrong, I think his insane damage is not such a bad thing and the range modifier ability is a nice aspect, I just think personally giving someone with that high amount of ranged damage a stun when its risky enough to rush them in the first place as youll have to kill them as youll not be able to get away - a stun on top of that... :( lasts 3 times longer then Riven's stun too.
The stun doesnt have the ridiculous range. You need to be in the fight to really maximize your damage output anyway. I think that Xerath is particulary strong against people don't are not used to his range. He can be easily countered by players that position themselves well. Seeing as his range is one of his strengths he had to give in a little elsewhere. His rangebuff skill scoops up an entire skill whereas other casters have 4 full skills available if theyre in range.

For example: If Brand and Xerath were up against eachother and Brand finds a way to position himself close to Xerath, Brand's skillset will completely blow Xerath away. In other words, Xerath is a strong champion for ranking up kills on players that are out of position but he is not particulary strong against players and teams that position well and are being aware of his range.
I saw Regi playing with him and he was pretty horrible, Chaox played him too but I didn't watch long enough to see what stats he had. I don't know how you can say a champ is OP already after only seeing that spotlight and perhaps 1 day of playing, in spotlights he always kills shit because it are not actual games, just some guy standing around watching phreak use his skills >_<
yea but compare it to talon spotlight - the highlight is him hitting like 3-4 people with his ulti (doing pretty much no dmg :P) and the opponent is all controlled and holding fast in a team fight.

Then you look at Xerath spotlight and everyone is a headless chicken because he is impossible to deal with in team fights. Perhaps it is early but I generally believe that most AP champs are far more powerful upon release then AD champs, and with the recent edition where skills have bonuses if they hit on champions under one of your other abilities - Brand and Xerath both are high damage output champions, why give them stuns? Xerath's skillshot ability is not much of a skillshot considering it is barely possible to dodge it unless the opponent failed the aim.

And consider at the same time these skills, as well as destroying your opponent, kill minion waves in no time at all - being able to shoot from middle tower to outer tower too is a bit o.O
I have played xerath and he is not so OP as people think. it's well balanced at the moment if you ask me. you get easily killed if 1-2 attack you from low range. played 2-3 games with him and he pretty much needs a lot of farming first before dealing massive dmg.
for an example: I get attack by vayne and she was all by herself, I used my ulti 3 times and only got her to half health. you can't always say that new champions are always OP, some of them really get slightest nerf, others even get buffed. but surely it's easier to release a more powerful champion otherwise people won't buy them. :)
1300 wins atm np
zo weer poje ben over 2 uurtjes thuis om kanker hard te gamen jwz
best LoL player in cf among with Finlandbosshk mekaleka snatch flashdown and zusoul
1964 solo queue np
3/1 premades so far >:/
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