Important night for 2 young men!

Oh walle, the time has come to face you in the battlefield of Eurocup. Our legs are already shaking from the pressure. Facing our best friend, our mentor, our master is no easy task. We want you to know that despite of the outcome of the match, we still love you. We will try to do our best to make you proud, even if it means defeating you. Good luck old friend, may the Gods shine bright light on you today.

image: wallllleeeeee

Here are also some statements from known ET players

Quote by k1ck-Kamz i think it's beautiful k1ck-mant, you and raul have so much love to give, i wish more people in community would be like you because the community would be a better place and not full of wnb trollers trying to imitate kamz style

Quote by miNd ur too addicted to walle

Quote by glitz`x3NJaAt first I didn't really understand mant's and Raul's obsession about walle. But when I saw them play together, I was astonished. Such commitment, such respect against one another. This epic battle tonight is really a clash of the titans, Mr.Miyagi against the karate kids. The love they share is beyond words. I wish I could feel like that, I wish...

Quote by frEezeAt first I thought that my two best friends, mant & raul were tricked into some walles scheme,
to take over estonian ET scene and of course two of my best friends with it. But as time went by,
my love grew towards walle. I noticed all the little things he did to mant and raul, and so did they
For instance, he is very well known for his kind donations to Estonian "special" kids.
Walle is not only a passionate ET player, but he is a very caring and charming person in real life as well.
A wise man once said, only heroes can be great warriors and lovers together. That wise man was Walle.
And I believe, Walle is a hero. With his guidance mant & raul will definitely be heroes one day as well.
Praise the lord and Walle,

Raul & Mant before the match

image: winter-is-coming-meme-generator-brace-yourself-walle-is-coming-a0d4f4

21:56 @wallelele • epic game
21:56 @wallelele • cant wait
pink the new color for boyz2men?
Awww <3
true e-luv
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