LoL low elo
6 Oct 2011, 22:42
crossfire needs more LoL journals
5v4 np
(lee left after he died once)
just did some duo q games with futimojo on 1700
had pekslol solo top who fed as fuck
= season2 will be fun
5v4 np
(lee left after he died once)
just did some duo q games with futimojo on 1700
had pekslol solo top who fed as fuck
= season2 will be fun
Still prefer IE, but if you're playing against one of those teams with 4 offtanks, then BC could be better3.
I got my internet back working today. Didnt play any game for 6days.
Then I found out that got first game of LoL OC.
Well I played Vayne as my role is AD carry. Outfarmed enemy at bot but died twice to annie gankz from bot brushes :(
Then game was super tight. 65minutes or so.
We did shitloads of mistakes but managed to win cause enemy was bad and made more mistakes.
Next game @ Sunday. Should be ez bash against some random spanish homos.
hon version for crippled people
2. see what i did
3. do it yourself
4. ???
5. profit?????????
rofl fucking nazi