SyncMaster 2233RZ stripes?

Just got my new screen. But when I set it on 120hz I get some weird stripes on my screen:s how come?
i dont know, but what i do know of is that heartz = skill

so basicly once u get that 120hz to work u become insta highskill right away
to bad you don't have one then.
Correct, im running 60hz only afaik, but it is okay cause im one helluva gamer and still manage to be a winner
60hz is for the pros m8 :) laptop screen 60hz = ownage :)
you may need a dvi-i dual link cable to use 120hz function for the monitor, are you using the exact one you got with the monitor or did you leave your old one in there? check the plugs themselves, non dual link ones have a breaker between two squares where a dual link is a solid rectangle.

more info: DVI Connectors
I have the good cable. I read something on the internet about ATI issues with monitors that are running on 120hz, but I don't know what to do to fix it...
what is your graphics card? do you have catalyst control centre installed?
yes I have, I have a ATI HD radeon 5700 series
Ok I assume you have done the normal installation from setup CD > reboot > check monitor display options (via buttons on front, to check the hz) > are using native resolution > desktop properties advanced menu, monitor is on 120hz?

Also in catalyst control centre under display options it talks about 3d options, if you have the option of using it it should either promt you or say that these are the modes selectable (and 120 hz should be one of them) I am not currently at home otherwise could check easily ;)

Also was this an issue before you installed via CD?
Ye had this issue before. And ye it is on 120hz, and on 100hz it is doing the same thing. Only on 60hz it's normal. But then I rather use my old screen where I can put it on 75
Had the same issue when I first got that monitor,but about a year ago ATI brought out a hotfix and it worked,but I reckon all you need to do now is update your ATI graphics driver to a recent one.
I did, aint working. Even more stripes :D

( the hotfix was for vista I think )
sorry no idea then :( I had exactly the same thing, but its just I had the wrong DVI cable plugged in as it needs the HD one ;)

good luck fixing :)
shit grafik card get nvidia. . .

good monitor ?
I've got that screen, never hade a issue like that. But got nvidia tho
!!!!!!!!! i got the same monitor :)))))) its awesome
I don't like it yet! :D
u will when u get to play ET with the magical 120hz :d
too bad 120hz aint working!
had problem with it at start too, but my bro helped to fix it. too bad i can't remember exactly what we did. and it seemed like u could set it to 120 hz, but i didnt see 100 or 120 hz in the list, only 60. try taking out monitor cables, insert the one that gives picture first and then the power cable.
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Heb je ook de driver geïnstalleerd die erbij geleverd wordt op cd? ;p
find an .inf driver for it and install it
what is this?
Inf file adds the specs of the monitor to windows, the resolutions and displayrefresh it can handle, thus allowing you to set the appropriate settings. My old crt did 100hz by default, but the specs said it could do 120hz. *.inf file for your monitor or custom made inf can solve that for you. As long as the inf file fits the specs, theres no problem.
googled for: SyncMaster 2233RZ inf file

just skimmed, didnt read it in full but the guy sais he found a solution.
okay! thank you :)
could you plz post the solution if you find one. From the problems I read on esr a while ago its usually ATI / DVI related, though try hateme's solution first.
you have gfx card that supports 120hz? :E
trolled hard
Vaguely remember something about the 2D speed settings causing this,unlock the AMD overdrive in CC,and let it do an auto overclocking thing,I think this worked for me.
where can I find it? can only find 3d settings
and on what should I set it?
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