attack on croatian fans

so last night's game croatia - greece (0:2) had rioting.

serbian and greek hooligans attacked croatian fans. they threw rocks on croatian buses before the game. also they threw a fucking Molotov cocktail and beat two croatian kids, age 10.

just a reminder: if greeks ever grow some balls and come to croatia, they'll never leave.

Fucking eastern mongols
pretty scary when that Molotov cocktail exploded. if it hit the fans, it would be pretty nasty
and that is why football sux

edit: "if greeks ever grow some balls and come to croatia, they'll never leave."

shows how much an idiot you are yourself. let's beat up random greeks for other greeks doing bad stuff to croatians, srsly..
that's how it's been since beginning of time. it something like: u get beaten up on a saturday night, and on next saturday when u gather some mates, u immediately search those guys for revenge. so plz stop with ur philosophical bullshit, it's obvious u haven't lived through anything and have no clue.
he got a point. it's the same why slovene, bosnians, croats and serbs don't like each other, because of this shit and pointless thinking. fans from both sides are retarded when it comes to things as this one. it's not just them, many others too. instead of growing some balls they should all grow some brain.
i love my bosnians =)
if they grew some brain, there would be no hooliganism anymore, would it? I agree those hooligans conflicts are pointless.

but regarding serbians. it's different with them. just see our histroy, it's all there. and there is no croat who would pass on the oportunity of beating the shit out of a serbian cunt for free. so them joining forces with greeks like that, makes it even worse. and if greeks ever dare come to croatia, serbians will follow (grobari & delije) and then there will be a massacre.
yep, there would be no hooliganism and statements like yours. and world would be a better place!
You are a bigtime hypocrit.
that's all bullshit your talking about tbh :)

you said earlier that if any random greek comes in croatia you will beat him up just because of his nationality and the drama around it. your next reply was trying to beat up the same guy. so what gives?

grow some brains instead of anger 8D
don't put things out of context. I did not say such thing so fuck off.
lol :D have a nice life beating up ppl!
have fun sucking cock to every bully u come across, justin bieber.
Western euros don't know anything about our eastern euro hate due to our history, you can't expect them to understand :). BRB beating some turks up.

Anyway in all seriousness he's right. We are in the fucking EU now, this kind of shit is what makes our countries belong to the third world.
So tell me what would you do if your mates get beaten?
give my friends a hug!
That's same like doing nothing?
maybe i don't got any friends :(
I'm agreeing on everything you said above, but don't hate on football :<
dan haat ik geen voetbal maar de agressie en bullshit errond wel :)
football > all other sports
How can they call themselves "fans"?
fucking idiots
srbi su sranje
well yes , guess why they got heads of steel ;D
Nothign wrong here, that's just football..
QuoteLast December, hooligans in the Croatian capital Zagreb stoned and set fire to a coach carrying fans of the Greek side PAOK, injuring three people.

The attackers, said to be fans of Dinamo Zagreb, the team playing PAOK in the Europa League, attacked the coach despite it having a Croatian police escort.

Eleven arrests were made and some of those detained were found to be on a register of hooligans, Zagreb police spokeswoman Jelena Bikic was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency at the time.

It probably was retaliation to that. And yeah don't judge a whole nation by what 100 hooligans do in stadiums.
I didn't judge the fucking nation. I was talking about greek hooligans.
It seems your country's hooligans started it. Anyway best solution: let the greek police unleash greek hooligans and croatian police croatian hooligans on each other and let them kill each other, far from innocent bystanders and be done with them.
if I had a dollar for how many times someone suggested that solution, I would be a billioner. it can't be done, even though it would be the best soulution.
This is not an excuse.
Why would I agree to that being an excuse? I think both sides are wrong, but what's even more wrong is people finding it ok to beat innocents up over a sport, or over what several dozen hooligans of their country did ages ago.
as i was part of "ultras" back when i was a kid i still have some friends in BBB who attacked that bus and i got to tell you they followed them from the airport where your country man and their friends(srbs) were showing flags of serbia and other serbian clubs and provoking normal ppl at airport... then when they got crashed they act as innocent fans..

not saying it is ok to attack any one with Molotov cocktail be that the case in Zagreb or in Greece.
people will always respond to a provocation that brings up bad memories so it doesn't surprise me(just to be clear, I don't approve it) that the greeks got attacked back then in Zagreb
Football is for tards.
How do you know it was Serbians & not just the locals? All that video shows is things being thrown, an 'explosion' & loads of posturing.
fan interviews after the game, press articles?
They're a long way from home t'is all.
3rd world countries, they will never learn..
you are included to that dickface
cpt. obvious
if it would be away match of any of polish club all athens would be burned now =D

btw. serbians got pact with greece like they have with russians or they just randomly joined battle against croatians?
hi. i dont care. bye.
greece has passed poland for cancer of the europe award
dumbsterfire of a country
Tough guys.

Fuck off from my continent please, k thx bb.
It's funny from all the comments I've read in this journal and other nation-hating ones, how the rest of Europe sit on their high horse and pretend there is no hooliganism or riots-needless violence in their country, but when there is, they don't make a peep about it.

Every time I was in the Netherlands there was not a soul outside after 21:00-22:00 because it is just too dangerous, especially to tourists, while here in Greece you can go around anywhere you like at all times. Thessaloniki after 23:00 is probably more crowded than it is during the day.

edit: Dont get me wrong, I don't love my country, but it's definitely interesting to see how much other people love theirs. They say "We" as they are noble, kind, passionate and always right as a country and people, and when they talk about "Them", it's the filthy, arrogant, annoying, uneducated, money grabbing lazy cunts that ruined our day. "We" as in all of us, are all the same.
lol thats fuckin true.
Physical aggressiveness - People who use it, are closer related to monkeys than to humans in my opinion. Struggle of the fittest is no longer a fact, people with brains are way above good fighters.
They will all be death someday and that day, we will be closer to the uberMensch-community. (sorry for that referral, but was the best I could come up with now, no relation to the nazi-community.)
United monkeys controlled by smart people > Smart people who cant stand for each other.
football games so safe
its not like hrvati are angels
hope they didnt touch my suvi
this is Sparta-rxidiamou
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