SEC 2011 (CS 1.6)
8 Oct 2011, 15:53
Samsung Euro Championship 2011, event in Warsaw, Poland is under way and all groups have been played. eSahara won against SK and managed to dodge NaVi in first playoff round. Also ex-FX lost clearly against WinFakt. So QuarterFinals are soon to begin with the following matchups. 2 Quarter finals will be played today and rest of the games will continue tomorrow. Single-elimination and with BO3.
Maps: de_inferno 16-2, de_nuke 16-9
Maps: de_train 16-11, de_nuke 16-6
vs stream: GreatFrag Virtus Pro
9 CET at Sunday vs
9 CET at Sunday vs
Playoff Bracket
Results so far
E:Fucking ridiculous to get 4 streams to Moscow Five vs FX and 0 to WinFakt vs eSuba.