Guild Wars!

[GuildWars]Tonight I captured my 90th Elite Skill in Tyria.
Before you ask what you are already thinking; yes, it was well worth the time spent.
Eternal Tyrian Elite Skill Hunter, oh yes.

image: gw-20111009-005638
Me after having slayed Goss Darkweb.

Anyone around here still playing this gem that is Guild Wars and is as pumped as I am to get my hands on GW2?
If you're playing/played, how far have you gotten on the Reward Calculator? I'll be ending up as a Rift Warden, which will have to due..

Anyone interested in doing some vanquishing/missions?[/GuildWars]

How was your Saturday?
I used to play it when it first came out. My guild was in the top 5 of europe for the first 6 months orso. Haven't played for years now, don't really know why.
What about global ranking?
drinking bears and fucking hot bitches and rolling on et

Must.... Not... Comment.. Typo... IT'S BEER. I'd go with the latter though, my multitasking capacity isn't what it used to be :<
Who is Goss Darkweb??
The boss which held the secret to the spell Soul Leech which was my 90th and last captured elite skill in Tyria.

YES, I did say that and still claim to have a decent social life outside this virtual world. ._.
OK ! Nice picture btw of you to !!
And those mountais, wow. Reminds me of when i used
to hike mount kimwanara with my gay dad.
Many thanks!
club bak form
I stopped playing after they nerfed 55 monks :(

P.s Miss you zymon xxxxxx
Ah yeah, good times :)

Miss you too! :*
I miss it to be honest, vanilla GW was simply one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Unfortunately, I just never thought it was the same after they released Factions and stopped shortly after (though I did pre-order it and played like 5% of the content :D)

Stomping iway, destroying keen split teams, trolling fame farmers, ah nostalgia.
Yeah, Prophecies it is. Haven't bothered much with the others either, although I must say that you'd most likely enjoy EotN, I just bought it quite cheap.

I just got back into playing GW again as it'll be rewarding for GW2 to have gotten some achievements and stuffs!
Still need to do a few things for the GW2 hall of fame. Was fun while it lasted, bit sick of it now. I'm looking forward to GW2 because it's changing two things that I wanted to see changed from GW : An actual open world now and no more heroes or henchmen. I would rather enjoy more solo content or team content which requires you to find other players than the option to pick up 'bots' and play with those instead. Both changes = more forced interaction with other players.

I do hope they add something like auction house like in WoW and a better group finding system. Also hoping for no more instant travels, perhaps dull for some but it adds immersion for me, which is why I didn't care much for the dungeon queue in WoW.
I believe there will be an auction house.
It was reported that a test has been implanted in one gw's data file updates, details which are similar to an auction house. It was a year ago and it believed to be tested for futures current GW release, however it turns out it's for their golden prize GW2...
Got god walks among us, waiting for gw2!
omg Gz man :) now you made me wanna paly again!
Might start playing again, no idea what to do on it though ":D" don't like title hunting and finished everything else.
That pic reminds me of et_beach to no end
Hahaha I'm also doing my Elite Skill Hunter @ Tyria got 75/90, started a week ago though. I got 11/50 atm, but I think I could end up @ about 30/50. :P
GL HF! Only skill that was a bit troublesome to get was Feast of Corruption, others just took some time :)
Maw is pretty easy to kill I suppose, just takes some time to get to the 100% spawnpoint. I got 85/90 now, So I'll be finished soon, hated to get the skills around Ring of Fire though, fucking boring to do Missions 3 times just to get the skills. :| Need a reputation weekend to Max my Sunspear title. :P
Yeah, boring as hell ;)
Parent oh you so random :D

but yea, the chimeric stuff was all i wanted :P
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