Flickering in screen at 100 > 120hz


Still got this problem. There is something wrong with most of the ATI cards.
So I will probably get a new vidcard soon, but untill that time I like to play at 100hz, atleast it's playable with it. But won't it damage my videocard? When I get all those stripes in my screen?
Get your money back!
Sounds more like your GPU is about to die, with all those stripes..

But if youre getting a new anyway, why would you care if your old one got damaged? Not that it should when playing at 100hz, that doesn't make sense (even a GPU from 2000 can handle high hz because of CRT's).
It is my gpu!


ATI aren't able to make drivers, that can handle 100 > 120hz.
I don't want to get it damaged, because it isn't that old and I can trade it for another card and pay something extra.
gpu = videocard
What the hell? :D
So if you have a CRT from like 1995 you can't use higher Hz than 100 on a GPU from 2010? Really ATi, really..
No I have a lcd 120hz.

( SynMaster 2233RZ )
Yeah I know that, but what if you had a CRT thats way older than your GPU -- and you couldn't have had higher Hz than 100. Pretty fucked up by ATi.

Unless ATi cards for some reason only have trouble rendering 120hz on a LCD, but are fine on a CRT..
A ye, nah it's really about the 120 hz I guess. So ye ATI sucks bigtime. But I haven't tried it with a crt
Yeah, didn't know ATi were this rubbish. Glad I've always prefered NVidia, so that 120hz worked out of the box. :p
ATi card + 120hz 2233rz works great here though?! D;
Which ATI card?
Tja naja zijn veel topics over, en die ati mensen die doen er niks aan:d Heb jij ff geluk dan denk ik. Veel mensen hebben er last van :p en niemand kan het oplossen bijna
Go for nvidia.. Ati sucks tbh, terrible drivers _:|

i remember to test some top ATI from serie 5xxx i think and it couldn't handle high hz and higher resolution, while my sucky nvidia handles perfectly ! :D
Ye, this kinda sucks. Do you know a card from nvidia that is compared to the ATI 5700 series?
I have no idea tbh, but i think something around GTX 550 shall be decent. Better ask someone else ;)
gtx460 is good not expansive or gtx550,560
GTX 460 is very good, low price etc... If u got some more money get 560GTX
GT series. Go for a vid card in the 150-200 € range and upgrade it every 1,5 - 2 years. Dont waste money on vid cards > 200 €. You're better off upgrading once in a while.
what ag0n said, ATIsux hard.... Never had any problems with nVidia cards

One tip: when u gonna buy nVidia card pick better company name, like Asus or Gainward...
not needed, most are made by NVIDIA anyway. Only difference can be in cooling, unless they aren't reference design.
well I bought MSI one... died after month:X
Funny that MSI is one of the best brand for NVIDIA atm. Their GTX 560 non reference is the most populair NVIDIA card already for a few months.

Conclusion: One failed card after one month is not a reason that MSI is bad. You just had bad luck.
I had loads of hardware most of them from known brands, and sometimes you just have DOA or bad luck.
maybe its bad luck...
What card you got Joshua?
This was a problem well over a year ago,and it has been fixed,I had the same monitor about 2 years ago,and had to wait like 3 months for them to update the drivers,ive been running ATi cards since then no problem,with the 2233RZ and now a Benq XL2410T @ 120hz np.

Make sure you have the monitor cable that came with monitor fitted,use Nasty file remover and clear out all ATI drivers,update card drivers to latest,then in CC there is an option to auto overclock your card,try doing this first,this should sort it out.
option to auto overclock your card -> how? And what settings
I use the cable, and I have the hd radeon 5700 series
Its under Graphics section,see the top image on tne page below,tick box for to "Enable ATi Overdrive",and then push the "Auto Tune" box,it takes about 10-30mins

same thing happens to my screen when i use 100 fps and 100hz on the same time , have a rly old crt and a nvida card but when i put my fps to 125 its fine :p weird and i dont rly care bcause 125 fps is much better but id like to know why it does that .
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