Laggy miNd

So basicly i still have lag issues after moving from xp to w7, i've tried to take off QoS, UAC etc etc, i run ET/TZAC/TS as admin, my drivers should be OK yet i still have lag.

It's like 50% of this picture nonstop, and its gay. Anyone here who could know the reasoning? I doubt big time that it has anything to do with my connection itself due ET worked fine on xp for years with same internet and the numbers seems to be same still on speedtest.

image: unledyul

image: 1527011878
image: 1527023786
image: 1527025875
image: 1527029727

ahahahahahahha :D
had the same, installed xp again
Really cant be arsed to install again anything ;l
it happened after 6 months of using win7, couldnt fix it so i stick with xp
Maybe it's downloading updates.
Laggy cAre
network card drivers?
Connected using: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller

This is prolly what u mean? Should be up to date and all
no idea ":D", but some googling brings up shit about internet disconnecting constantly for ppl who\ve just upgraded to win7
like this for example, some fix about something in the last post, im no internets expert tho!
just hide lagometer

its mental.
thats only in your mind
~50 mi

46 ping

it's time to quit, deal with it
i got same but it is better when i run et not as admin !
didnt had it before with xp :(
Do some traceroutes to that server and see if there is going something wrong.
I can also be in your own network.

My pings are pretty low
image: 1239016043
like a boss
It's like 50% of this picture nonstop, and its gay.
Then you should be happy
i have 20kb/s fast inet and thats the reason why i left et
if you have an extra drive install ET there, i have nothing on my main win 7 hd because of problems like these so i have all programs in win xp hd with ET and just plug it onto pc when i need to use a program or play ET or leave it as secondary drive.
My brother had the same prob :) Download the drivers for windows 7 from ur vid card :) xx
well obviously it is not et-related aswell. so I recommend you to try your internet under other OS (probably Linux live?) or another PC (laptop?) so you really know if its OS or something happend to your i-net
spagetthi arms
It'll be something to do with your network card + drivers, or possibly motherboard (although I don't know why that would affect it).
Maybe check ur pc with spyware
sometimes, my mind is laggy too...
cute the way you write your name.
shoarma internet
i know the solution but not telling u

be mad bb
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