tzac for noquarter and jaymod

first i need to say that i own badly every one of you, so please keep your usual jokes about fun servers for youserlf.

now, main subject

is chapla going to make a tzac version for noquarter and jaymod or not?

if so i hope that he will not make it like the etpro version which is very annoying to use.
noquarter is dead
jaymod is dead
ET is dead
etpub is dead
Jokes are dead
gaymode? lol no
he said he doesn't have time for it now, as he's doing support for other games.
tupac is dead
Still gonna roll BossEC on jaymod.
fall into laugh after reading:

Quotefirst i need to say that i own badly every one of you

np with millions of xp xD
felt in laugh .. im ok with this :)
Steve Jobs is dead :(
son, uOrphan
badly owning
and if you dont own, it's a cheater 8D
first. who the fuck are u? :D
donate and it will come.
last jaymod update 2011
last etpro update 2006

YES, etpro is dead !
in 2006 : etpro > jaymod
in 2011 : jaymod < etpro
you got a point, sir!
I know! But thank you! How you doing?!
I am sick the last days since it got cold here :(

and I will have military service for the next 3 weeks starting on monday :(
oh :( cant you atleast skip your military service when ill? :D
anyway, how long will whole military service take? only these 3 weeks?
I made almost all of it, just 3 times 3 weeks and its over :) thank god!

how are you?
oh,thats not that bad.
well, I finaly started doing martial art I wanted to do for some time already, otherwise I am fine :) just my inet is bitching even more than ever before :(
Quote by trollfirst i need to say that i own badly every one of you, so please keep your usual jokes about fun servers for youserlf.
sad thing is, he really thinks that way
no and now gtfo, retard with a fivehead
Quote2011-10-05 22:56:19< burneddi> khaplja: so now that PB support is officially discontinued, are there plans for adding eg. NoQuarter (ugh) support into TZAC?
2011-10-05 22:59:11< khaplja> i doubt that'll happen any time soon
It's mainly an AC for competition, so I guess there wont be a version for NQ.

And what is annoying to use in SLAC? It's very easy to use if you uninstall ur virus scanner.
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