Random LoL journal.

Hello there fellow LoLplayers.

How is it going in OC(If you're playing)

Current elo?

top 3 most played champions, games played and winratio on them?

My team in OC atm 2-0 wins, 3rd game @ saturday(fml)!

Current elo 1565.

Caitlyn 29games 62%
Warwick 10games 80%
Gangplank 10games 70%

Screenshot I took today!

image: GVfiY
nice chick
PLaying OC second league group a, we had 2 matches last sunday and won both of them. next sunday are our next 2 matches, which probably gonna be easy pwnage.
we have our only tough game at saturday. They're all like 1900+ solo q season 1. But we will get trough groupstage easily :>
soloq rating doesnt mean shit, if they aint able to do decent teamwork!
Well but it says that the player is/should be somewhat decent atlest.

teams we have played against so far have been really bad
are u playing west or east and what division?
west 3rd.
I dont really think the division even matters.

No idea how the system works tho
ye its like the first LoL OC they do and there are are >700 teams registered, they cant know which teams are actually good
But I mean like. Isnt it like
group 1-2nd goes next round. etc etc. Then its like div winners goes to EC or smth.

No fucking clue tbh

Just think its going to be smth like that.
ye 1 and 2nd get into elimination and i know some OC winners get into EC but i dunno which
well, i'll just play and see what happens :D

All i know top 8 from west and top 8 east goes to 16team EC
It says something about how u are mechanical.
not playing OC cuz jago gay
Current elo 1220, i don't participate in OC. Trying to improve my rating as jungle Udyr, on about 10 games played 8 won.
I approve this journal
what b4lu said.
what b4lu said.
Current elo 1591
Talon 73 %
Cait 76 %
ezreal 53%

Yesterday night I was 1700 :< Gaming allnight long not good for ur elo !
talon muchos win champion si!
stopped playing ranked.
oc 3-0
stopped playing LoL
oc for noobs just palypaly esl go4lol and win moneyzz
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