We are going big!

Wooo and me discussed and agreed that we will start with a fresh sollid organisation. We want higher admins that REALLY contribute to the clan.

We are working on some projects:

- Our servers will be moved to a new i7 Dedicated Server soon.

- We want to expand and get bigger. One of our goals is to successfully expand to another game soon. If you want to help with it, please contact me.

- Nbs tournament, not a regular one day cup but a nice organized cup with some prizes (I am looking at the possibilities). The cup will be on a sunday. My goal for the cup is to get 16 (max 32) teams for a know out tournament. The final and 3th/4th place will be played one week later, on ETTV. I can only get some prizes if we get at least 16 teams! Demz0r will be head admin with the cup and is looking for 1-2 people to help him. Let me know if you are interested.

E: Tournament will be after the jee ET en Battle For Berlin cups, date is not sure yet, but it will be on sunday 20, 27 nov or 4, 11 dec.

- Wenn all the servers are transferred to our new i7 Dedicated, I will set up a new TZAC Server. The admins for this server will be: Demz0r, b4lu, Krii and me. If you are albe to help, leave me a message.

We want to thank our new sponsor: www.gameplayservers.com

image: 33jjvir

Thanks for the hate!

[email protected]
xfire: bloodelf99
Or PM :)
it's like [=g!x=] all over again
Yes coz gix too had a server sponsor, 2 teams playing EC and they provided the community with cups where you could actually win something more than a smile on your face which lasted that 30 secs after succesfull final on precious ETTV.
We want higher admins that REALLY contribute to the clan.

More karl!!!

Stupidity apart: Good news mate.
karl is a cool dude
Get yourself a news writer or at least someone to spell check your posts.
why u need I7 for HOSTING? are u idiot?
Failed to read the part where he said we NEED it, the new server sponsor just happens to have i7 dedicated servers.
i7 useless for hosting :)
Still it's free for us so why complain about it:)
not made for hosting
Maybe you should create a company of your own when you obviously know alot more than the current ones.
why the fuck should i make company for hosting? ther is like 500000 companys out ,so it will be pointless


gg ;DD
nothing but shit

no, i am not a hater!
how much did you pay for this logo
nice good luck!
I want 2 get bigger aswell :(
love the effort, gl
Goodluck !
rot nou eens op met die nbs spam van je :P remove die servers gewoon
I didn't understand exactly what do you want to do, after reading 2 times, but ye, I can help you.
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