genetic manipulation article

i need to make an article of 500 words for my class and it has to be about genetic manipulation. genetic manipulation is the direct human manipulation of an organism's genome using modern DNA technology. which basically means to manipulate something in your body(or a plant, or bacteria w/e) like: mixing your organ with fluoride substance to make it light up, or manipulate a mouse so that it can have 2 hearts instead of one. the examples are bullshit tho, but you get the point.

so if you saw/read something interesting about that shit on inet, plz post a link so i can start and finish this damn article which i've been delaying for 2 weeks now.

E: ffs its not about the 500 words, i just need something to write about, quit trying to troll and give me a damn link
500 words is nothing. Get it done and stop pussying around.
point is i cant find anything interesting to write about, not that its 500 words thats nothing
personal opinion/experience.
what do you mean, you cant find anything to write about? the task is set for you!
all your need is your mind, opinion and wikipedia, nothing more
Write about genetic manipulation in the food industry.
difficult task.
Write the story from Resident Evil, the evil umberella corporation. Or some other from same genre, style it with a possible threat at the future.
jesus, 500 words an a hugely opiniated subject... How hard can it be?
to put everything into 500 words probably

this topic is way too complex
In 500 words you can easily give your opinion and some arguments about the subject. Sure it won't be a bulletproof essay, but I doubt anyone can produce one on this subject.
lol seriously you need help with 500 words about "genetic engineering" :D plx its only 500 words.
you do know how to write a proper article? this and providing quotes + examples should cover at least 1/3 of your article, and should be your main attraction. the enjoyment of reading the article is far greater than the content itself, so be it in your mind
Ps, this article is so pro you should give me atleast a cookie for it!
finally a normal answer thx, gonna start right now
Ik geef je toch ook een normaal antwoord klootviool.
jah int engels -.- moet ik nog moeite doen om het te vertalen eerst ook nog
Gast jij stelt een vraag in het Engels met nergens ook maar dat je Nederlands bent of dat het een Nederlands artikel moet zijn en verwacht dan dat we een Nederlands artikel geven? Overigens zou je gewoon een Engels artikel moeten kunnen lezen.
I had my middleschool end-test about genetical manipulation with regard to chemical and radioactive influences, I might help you! There is just the barrier of my poor English skills but well just message me!
breeding. like dogs. but what about humans? large scale genetic experiment! write the paper from this viewpoint!
For the sake of social science, just write "my religion doesn't allow me to discuss this subject". See what happens.
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