15 okt

Sup cf

wondering if any1 is goin to protest too
personly i'm goin to Brussels to occupy
gnna be fun :D

e:im taking my camera with me to take pics, mayb ill upload them here then

image: moustache2
occupy something?

sup with that
whats the cause?

i read something about casino-capitalism
look some stuff up
basicly every1 is seeing that shit is fked up
the richest ppl just do what they want & make money off our backs
just like the banks investing too much, cant pay their own shit anymore & now theres a crisiss that we have to pay
why would we have to pay for what they have done?
i think thats pretty much the main reason alot of ppl are goin
Sorry, I belong to the ppl making money off your back, cba to protest against myself.
That's exactly what I was thinking about this event. People thinking it's "fun" and most likely barely know anything specific against what they are actually demonstrating.
every1 has their own reasons to go, the main point is
that we see smthing is wrong & we want to show that were not pleased :)
I agree with the protests but I simply don't care enough to actually participate.
dit plaatje had ook gewoon van jou moeten zijn he:P
same as Meez + busy tomorrow! Else I'd might go.
what we protesting for?
What exactly would you change?
didn't watch any stream yet?:) http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution
or you wait for the media to talk about it?:)
Whilst the stream is interesting its got nothing to do with my question :P Currently all I can see are 2011's answer to the hippy movement, no plan, no hope, no clue.
The venus project or something as it, and as it seems it's a big plan. But to put in use.... requires a lot of effort of every person on this planet :)
i think most of the ppl goin want to make it so the richest of the world dont controll & just do whatever they want without concequenses
just like the banks investing with our money into whatever they want & then letting us pay for their mistakes

personaly i would have no clue on how to change it,
since i'm not a politici or whatever..
but i do feel that the way the world works nowadays, it just not right
ppl gettint together is a good thing & thats what we're doing

i hope i kind of made sense :)
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