LoL low elo #5

thought i will get better people from now on since im on gold
this is what i get:
image: 1stpickpro
ur minions :D
had the same, was 1524 and after that i was always with retards, who made me lose 5 times in a row back to 14xx elo
u dont deserve 1500 h3h3hh3
lars wat check je men profieltje
met kankernoobs als teammates, ben ik vet mee
but still b4lu pwnZing teh clanbase OC 2nd league #3
Crossfire 3.2 - A LoL Gaming Community
taric and corki bot is so op, same as taric and caitlyn just not possible to do normal farming, only thing u can actually do is just sit at turret to wait for creeps to come and hope u kill them before turret does. those 2 combos are sick
sona > taric
alistar > all supp
get kog'maw with alistar and u beat them easy
could u elaborate this combination? :D
indeed, taric is very hard to counter
LoL low elo:
Play roaming Eve
each and every of your lanes is constantly pushed to the enemy tower by your retarded teammates who don't know what last hitting means
ya roaming in elo hell = easy win =D
Easy win or an absolute disaster. The first game I was 5/0/11 in around fifteen minutes and ahead of our mid in terms of levels and gear, but the second game my teammates were so god-awful I'm without words.
I prefer taric/alistar/nidalee for roam =D
you got outlvld on your lane , got less cs but that kinda ok on kass i guess and you got a tear

you actually didnt do well
sion sona died before minions spawned
i even silenced their annie so she couldnt stun
she had lvl advantage and ganked bot and top 24/7 = 2 lvls above me
riven also got fed, i was only last hiting and paid attention
riven as jungler and annie stun is hard to play against
i can carry hard as fuck if overfed people from other lanes dont come for me and denie my farm
should have duo'd with sakengangplankGG
why the hell would you go for an archangel staff on kassadin? and first pick aswell?
Not that im pro or suming xD but you should go for RoA
i get tears to stack mana as early as possible, i couldnt get farm so i bought 40ap instead of that big scepter with 80ap
i dont like catalyst at all, never liked it since i ask for blue buffs
i didnt liked catalyst in the beginning. but actually its a great item for sololaning... since blue wont restore any health, catalyst gives u awesome sustainability.. and if u get good farm/feed u can rush roa or simply leave it for lategame banshee
its a matter of taste anyway ^^
well basically you're right, i prefer tear over catalyst as well. still it pretty tricky with blue, because depends if your jungler is mana dependent or not. for example when i play rammus or amumu i simply can't avoid blue and give it to ap carry (unless its anivia/swain) because without that am useless more than average. i don't get people who ask me for it (especially when they have well covered routes with fast jungler so i can't counter).

whats my point anyway? honestly i have no idea for setup at kassadin, but from my point of view with seals & glyphs for mana reg/level and proper build (i get evil tome whenever its possible - mostly because of cooldown reduction but other profits are also good) you should be pretty independent when it comes to mana. works more or less well on most of my ap carries (excluding those two mentioned above).

of course all of those is not needed when it comes to jungler wih energy/no mana - but still besides lee sin and trynda from time to time i don't really think there are any others in terms of competitive picks. however as those funny spotlights show, it's possible to do the routes even with akali and i wouldn't be surprised if it worked @ normal games.
the thing is if you solo lane with ap/carry for instance at mid, most likely you willget the blue buff, 2nd one most definately if you get a catalyst youll get enough mana back after leveling to hold out a bit longer,and especcialy with kassadin youll get your mana back after autoattacking thanks to e skill i thought or whatever skill it is.
if you harrass him early hell have to go back or he dies, and if he went back you can simply refill your mana by autoattacking (pushing lane) also the health advantage you get is really great.
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