Windows PW recovery

I hope some of you can help me out, because i'm totally confused by it...


On my GF's old pc we added a password to her account for some privacy reasons...
and when I did a reboot I wasn't able to log in on her account, because the PW didn't match...
I did a format C because it was full of crap and didn't put a pw on it again,

(The pc crashed)

Now I gave her my old pc, and I cleaned all the porn up etc...
then when I added a password to the account, the same shit happens again (pw doesn't match), on a whole different PC, and cba to format C that one to...

Somebody knows an easy way how to reset/remove/change the password?

Thanks in advance.

PS: sorry for bad english skills
boot in admin mode or smth, delete / change pw
(f5 or f8)
rofl at the last one :D
oh god, den holvoet
lol last one is epic sht
lol of course!!!

use pc in safe mode so you can log-in as administrator
now remove password from account :~>
safe-mode and remove pw simple as
get russian windows > boot from cd > delete pw -> profit
No, there is this CD for deleting passwords, just google it.
put the keyboard off caps u idiot
Save modes

Login as admin no pw needed.

# C.hantal # zegt (23:04):
arrogante slet
if its XP, just login as admin. Otherwise log in as administrator / admin in safe mode :)
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