best match in ET history?

yea gonna watch :D
Where can I sign up? :D
b4 all the way
well, i don't have a "best match", but i remember the ones that i loved the much back then, maybe because i was kinda newbish back then.

Nc final: nl vs germany (somewhere at 2006?)
Ec final: idle vs parody (the first one that idle won, with ferus rolling mystic, i think)
ok was just about to say nc final nl vs ger, glad someone agrees with me
I think it wasn't a special match, but it's the one i remember better with a nostalgic feeling. The good old times, with great lineups!! I remember they were playing oasis, butchji was already phenomenal! I realized how important teamplay and comms were back then watching then xD

i also remember tekoa shooting 3 luger hs to someone at "skater ramp" at radar, from main gate, back then i couldn't see anything with my new cfg.. i was like "omg watttttttttt a cheater!" :DDD, not sure if it is from nc final too
parodia.. good match anyways :)
indeed, but the other ec final (the one that parody won) was kinda 1 sided only, not so funny :|
nice match report :D
prolly the best game i played, heh : ) was fun purifying gnajda templar n dummy 8D
oh this brings back memories :P
portugal vs finland

oh wait

portugal vs sweden

oh wait
Some idiots didn't click the link.
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