LoL Swain guide

I bought Swain few days ago and I need your help :) Some1 who plays Swain lvl 25+

What to buy?
I go -> Doran Ring | Sorcerer Shoes | Rod Of Ages | Zhonya's Hourglass | Archangel' s Staff | Rebadon Deathcap | and smth to defence vs mags or thornmail etc.. What is needed :)

But in mid game, swain is too low, maybe better will be buy Mejai's in the begining and hunt some stacks to be better in mid game...

start with boots+3 health potions->catalyst->rod of ages->sorcerer boots->hextech-revolver(upgrade to will of the ancients)->rabadons ->look what kind of enemies u got and buy counter items to them!
Sounds good, but maybe if will be better to do a Fiendish Codex and upgrade than do a HexTech

Idk, i will try :)
I usually start sapphire crystal + 2 health pots. First visit home I buy catalyst & boots, if it doesn't last long enough I just buy catalyst.

Usually my build order is: Rod of Ages -> Mercurys -> Deathcap -> Will of the Ancients (if many AP's on your team) or Abyssal Scepter (if I need magic resist) -> Rylais. Last items are usually situational

and no I'm not an expert, this is just what I found to work well for myself. And you should remember to get catalyst as early as possible - it's the best laning item in the game :)
Boots & 3 pots -> Sorcs
Catalyst -> RoA
Will of the Ancients
Spirit Visage
Ryali's Crystal Sceptor
Rabadon's Deathcap

hueheuheuehuehueh tank swain es #1 always regenerate health never die


lol mejas plz
build it like the others b4 me said and get blue as often as possible
Ryali's Crystal Sceptor

is the most important item. don't forget it. your ulti will slow all the targets it hits. and u get a lot of health also.

rod of ages is also important.
aiming by swanidius

Depends on your oponent, if u will have to dodge skillshots like brand or swain(i know u are playing him) go for boots + 3 pots.
If u think you will have an easy time in ur lane, go for dorans ring if u like to harass a lot or mana crystal + health/mana pots.

mid game:

Rod of Ages is never bad on a ap carry, after roa rush deathcap.
Zhonya's Hourglass is a must have for champions like kennen/morgana/fiddle cause their ult keeps working but i don't think you(swain) need it unless u are focussed as fuck.
Don't go for Archangel' s Staff, your mana pool will be big enough after RoA.
If u have deathcap check if they are stacking MR, if they do buy voidstaff.
If they don't, buy some survivability like banshees or will of the ancients.
If you got fed, Rylai's Crystal Scepter.


1. Boots + 3 pots (health/mana) or mana crystal + 2 pots or dorans ring
2. catalyst
3. RoA
4. Sorcs boots
5. deathcap
6. voidstaff or will of the ancients or rylais or abyssal scepter or banshees

Order can change ofc
Don't play Swain, problem solved.
Depends if you're playing main mage or not. When playing swain of premade 5's I usually take top lane and build tanky to provide the enemy with a focus point while have the sustain to be able for my carries to melt down the enemy.

Dorans > Catalyst > Sorc Boots > RoA > Rylai's > Deathcap > Game over.
Hourglass is not super effective on swain because your ult's duration is usually so much longer than Zonya's active. this means you'll only heal up around 400 hp during zonya's which is not that good especailly since your damage is uncontrollable. Will of the Ancients is decent but actually only good when your playing double AP with someone that really benefits of the item.

Be sure to base once you got the farm for your catalyst or you'll be taking unnescesarry risks. You're easy to gank if you don't have sustain yet.

Ohter AP carries do their job more effectively than Swain but I guess he's decent.

fucking nerds all of you
Just go boots > roa > rylais > deathcap > voidstaff.
rush infinity's edge and phantom dancer
Get doombringer.
i agreed with most of the comments above but i noticed zhonya's hourglass works well too. i dunno if its patches/changed or w/e but when u use hourglass when ur ult is on u keep regening while ur invulnerable. can be pretty good if used well imo.
Zhonya's works well of morg/fiddle/kennen because they have an ult that needs the duration to be effective (it mostly works on fiddle because he is vurnerable though). Swain's ult doesnt stun after some seconds so the time that Zonhya's gives you is just that time whereas with Morg or Kennen it is essential to get that stun.

Neither is Swain squishy. He has the sustain to stay in a fight already.
In ranked swain is my main , depends , usually i buy magic pene boots , RoA , Deathcap , Hourglass, Abyssal scepter and for last is depends again , first item is Dorans ring , i dont like that idea of boots and potions for first. If im playing against kassa kennen leblanc or other op mid then i buy Magic resi boots or if i have enough money then negatron cloak.
Sometimes will of the ancients is good , maby for last item , dno i like to play tanky swain.
Try to get Blue if possible.
And swain is so underrated imo.
if ur the main ap carry and u buy resist boots ur a fuckin dumb piece of shit.
I do not agree lol if lets say there AP is getting fed by fail jungle ganks and he gets big item advance on you Mercs are awesome
Ur the CARRY, do u know what that means? :D
u need magic pen + ap
Why the fuck would u buy more expensive boots and less damage if ur already behind? :D

sense, u make none
early game masteries and runes give you enough so you dont need it its nice to have extra mpen but not game breaking if you build other mpen items after.
Depends each game tbh.
If i didn't had a clue what the numbers from runes/masteries ment, i'd believe you.

but ur wrong once again
not realy but k... boots can depend on how the game is going
Almost ever champ i go mid with i get boots 3 pots -> 2/3 rings -> mag pen boots -> cap
& for champs that u feel u need roa on just get catalist instead of rings, but i barely play champs like that ^^
start with crystal and 2 pots. I level up W first and if it's needed I use Q first before using W for more chance of snaring. after first return I come back with 2 doran's, boots and I try to build catalyst asap. then sorcerer's shoes and rod of ages, then rabadon's etc.. I get really offensive after getting to lvl 6 since it priotorizes champions and ofc ignite and flash are a MUST. hourglass is only for the funz but it's also a nice item. you can also buy crystal scepter for more tankiness and for slowing if you are really dominating :) otherwise just play him as much as you can so you can get a grip of him.

why would u buy 2 dorans if u could have finished catalyst with this money early on?
More AP so harder hares
not really.. can also buy yello ap stick for less which provide 10ap more then 2dorans.. basically buying it this late will delay ur otehr items
tbh every champ that goes mid can easy get 2 dorans on his first back if you dont suck in last hitting. Dorans can let you lane longer and harder.
but if i start with crystal, it would be smarter to insta finish catalyst.. if u dont run ap- and manareg runes it may be a worth it.. but so its like 950 gold more or less wasted, since u cant turn them into anything.. and the additional impact of just 30 ap more is marginal
if you start crystel yeah maybe depends on the game tho. if you get lockt out of xp you could better get some Dorans to get back on track as early game dorans are nice. but if you are not getting lockt out and can do what you want on your lane you are better of finishing cata true.
oh and also 2 dorans vs blasting wand gives tankyness + mana regen wich is awesome early game! if you are fed rush a rabadon true but if doing meh just get some dorans.
yeah we all know the problem not knowing what to buy so just do this:

Step 1: find 4 friends
Step 2: invite your friends for game
Step 3: instead of chosing a champ just lock in like a baws
Step 4: all of you just lockt in and set sum spells, masteries,etc
Step 5: Loading screen
Step 6: Game starts type in chat "/all BRAVERY!!!"
Step 7: all lane like you would but you can only buy Mejai, Sword of the oculus and Levaithen (boots you can choose when you want to) NOTHING ELSE!!!
Step 8: when you have all 3 stack items type in chat "/all LEVEL 3 BRAVERY"
Step 9: Start ganking to get stacks and farm creep and work your way up making Trinity Force.
Step 10: if you finnish Trinity Force and didnt got rolled build Tiamat at this point you have achieved Ultimate Bravery so tell those fuckers in chat "/all ULTIMATE BRAVERY!!!!"
Step 11: you should first get drunk or stoned or whatever for epic ts, skype, vent talks XD

Always fun a bravery until you get Randomd with Eve 3 times in a row XD
depends how the game goes?
i dont like when somebody dont have reply so this one is for u
but Swain in start sucks! He have a low resist (basic are 16 m.def, 30 armor. def i mean)

So if is better to go AP hero, or Defensive tacs.
boots pots, should be fine vs any ap mid, rush catalyst and win
I´ll try, thanks ;)
Omg, it´s very cool!!!

Catalyst -> Rebadon, Archangels and win :D
LoL, where can you choose itembuild before the game started ... At least in HoN you build your hero according to your own team picks and the enemy team picks ... but I guess thats LoL for ya
Gij beest :DDD
dag lekker ding
huilie huilie mijn spelletje is leuker dan jouw spelletje!
plz hon en lol is gelijk etpro en etmain
If you do that, you're shit. Usually only base items are similar
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