Deathadder shuts down

Yo CF,

Yesterday my deathadder suddenly stopped working, first it lags a bit and than just shuts down. Got it for about a year now, so that's not that long :/ Anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it?

Google doesn't help alot, i already reinstalled my drivers and replugged it, tried other usb port but doesn't work.

got some problem, theres prolly something wrong with the usb port.
Sounds like a disconnect/short in the usb cord. I had the same thing happen to my mx300, and it eventually stopped working completely. Does wiggling the wire or holding it in place fix it temporarily? You can fix it by finding the problem area (usually where the cord leaves the mouse), cutting it out and splicing the two sides back together.

It's not too hard, I ended up repairing it in about 30 mins(works perfectly now), and I had very little soldering experience. It'll cost about $15-$30 for all the materials (soldering iron, solder, electrical tape). If you decide to do it and need advice, I can post more info.
had disconnect problems with my last 2 deathadders, got them both replaced by razer if it's still in warranty

1st one i had for 6months, 2nd one 1 year
its cable. Ur mAus is dead now
usb or cablle


saskia you are not helping !!!
cmon wasnt big confusing :)
it does?
you mean ps/2? D:::

you're a woman so you already confusing!
the cable the cord w/e :D

its our job to confuse ppl
SASKIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont know what should i do with you anymore :(
Are you a rage-gamer?
Nope im not :P
Could be the chip in it, one of my 518s wouldnt work because the chip had an output issue would would see it go to ~70*C
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