Windows 7 + fullscreen ET doesn't cover the entire screen

When running ET fullscreen it's more or less at the middle of the screen. It doesn't stretch out as it should. Any ideas?
r_mode -1 ?
gc settings.
Scalling -> fullscreen
r_mode -1
Didn't work. The screen was bigger, but it also had the windows 7 menubar showing.
Get correct driver,
r_mode -1
r_customheight "x"
r_customweight "y"
rmode 4?
i don't have any problems like this just use r_mode -1
why all of you guys are having problems on win7 with et. i just installed this game without anny error and playing it as ive been on xp im curious what are you doing wrong all those question about tzac working on seven etc just wow
set that stuff in your driver program
Are you using more than 2 computer screens? If so, I managed to solve a similar problem to yours by switching the DVI (or if you use VGA) cables to another graphic card socket input. Today, most of the graphic cards should normally be manufactured with 2 DVI socket inputs.
This might not solve your problem, but for those that can not turn their window mode into full screen. The solution is this.
Right click ur et.exe go to properties and tere shud be an option saying run in full screen ;) enjoy
Btw just check all the tabs in the properties I don't remember cuz I'm typing from my iPod But trust me it shud work had the same problem
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