Good morning journal 18.10

Hey everyone out there!
Since there is no good morning journal today, I thought I might create one.

How did your morning go until now?

I wanted to go to school today but lost my motivation when my phone's alarm went off so I stayed at home cuz I only have unimportant classes today... (German, english, physics, history/social class)

What are your plans for today?

I'm getting my iPhone today (not that 4ASS), any ideas for cool "protectors", the stuff you put around the iPhone 4, you know?

Are there any good movies out there to watch?

Who of you is still playing ET in a team which competes in a league/cup?

Have a nice day everyone!

image: 1solswimwear-mg-2140r-copy
didn't feel like going to school so woke up, ate,went to sleep again,just woke up
that's pretty much exactly what I'm about to do, eat something then goto bed

good movies I watched recently:

horrible bosses, unknown identity and limitless.
horible bosses suuuuuuuuuuuux
nein, I had a good laugh! then again, I am easily amused.
horrible bosses best movie that i've seen in a while i think
Morning :)

How did your morning go until now?
Got up way too early, getting ready for university right now.. URGH awesome morning.

What are your plans for today?
University and finish (or rather start) my reading assignment tonight

Are there any good movies out there to watch?
Melancholia <3

Who of you is still playing ET in a team which competes in a league/cup?
Uhm... wsk/Gungy/infi/Thomm/knoche/Panda are we competing in some league or cup? I don't even know.. bd is so lucky to have me :x

Leaving you a shitty song
yes we are in OC- forfeiting our way into playoffs
oh ya... :D
that song really sucks!
party last night, woke up 9, off to uni 10, came back from uni 11, went to sleep, woke up 14

<3 university :D
morning. had day off now im at work. tired. :)
plans? visiting a friend i guess

my song:

parziiiii <3
Busy morning with a slight hangover, gets easier now. Long day at work, no plans for the evening. Maybe stand-up -club at evening and few pints.
I slept only 5hours and wake up to go at bank but the women i've to meet is sick so it's canceled. Now playing poker and looking again and again for my new car...
no school, playing fifa and et in the morning and in the evening playing football :) what a nice day :)
woke up just like 20min ago, skipped college today because i got my drivers theory test today, so I'm gonna go take a shower, then go to my drivers theory test in couple hrs! hope i pass :D
Woke up, still stoned.
woke up, smoked, took a shit, showered, went to work.

called a few clients regarding some updates in our servers, got one new client and made an offer worth 1860€ to him. damn people overpay for websites :D

now soon going to lunch, then got a client meeting and then going to a friends place for some PS3 action and a few beers.
What u play on PS ?
dno yet, probably some where we can beat the shit out of each other. no fifa though, he sucks at sports games though i would love to pwn there.
Try Fight Night! Is really cool to pwn faces in. :) And try NBA :)
university, meeting a friend, going to visit another flat, party, sleep
just woke up
hangover, tired, ill, but happy!

tbh, i spent a wonderful evening.i met this chick, Laura, who i couldn't recognise on the street. all i can say is that she was the kind of girl you want to meet: already drunken (so no waste of money), kiss kiss fuck fuck and then bye bye see you another day.
YEAH MAN, and this shit won't stop since i'm already ready up for tonight!
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