need some XP help

hey guys

i installed for i dont know, 1 year ago a theme in mac style. deinstalled it etc. blabla but if i want to login now as normal user, the loginscreen for users is still the one of the theme.

does anyone know how to change dis? :(
> XP

image: Laughter+Network+Aims+Generate+Smiles+During+0uozI2JziHYl
that's kinda like saying

>still don't have a touchscreen phone

image: Laughter+Network+Aims+Generate+Smiles+During+0uozI2JziHYl
XP is one of h best windows!
True. But its outdated, its like using a computer from 1989 and saying its one of the best and thats why you still use it
Dunno, never used random themes for windows

But you can try this, go to Properties > Appearance > Windows and buttons and choose Windows XP style, apply
that works, its just the boot screen + choosing user screen :D dunno how to call it, but anyways thank you
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