need help with finding something

ok so there was this program on national geographic (or discovery one of the 2) where there was this little girl with a big ass mole on her arm. it was from the pols all the way up to her elbow big.

and the thing that was interesting is that they put her arm INSIDE her body by making an insicion in the body right next to her arm. (the arm went into the belly like some sort of glove, her hand came back out at the other end). and after some time her arm was completely healed from the big mole, new skin and all.

now i cant find it anywhere on inet.i need to find that vid/story again very very bad, if someone knows about this plz help me out with a vid or anything i will be thankfull forever.

already looked:

nat geographic site
discovery site
get on your knees first...
you can try looking for the specific medical condition/treatment on the interwebs, doesnt rly sound like regular treatment (documentary-worthy after all =P)
what do u mean?
you could try to find out what the name of the disease or the treatment or the girl was, so youd have the exact name of it (big ass mold doesnt sound too specific :D). might find a link or something about the documentary easier like that
she didnt have a disease she just had a big mole on her arm thats all i know, and i dont know the name of the treatment or i wouldve found it already
didnt really find a lot by googling around for a while, but you can look through some of the season lists (like maybe for example) to see if u can maybe find the episode like that. any random details about it might be helpful aswell.
no luck man but thx for atleast trying to help which most ppl dont do :D appreciate it
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