damn junglers, especially sakenji

Oh my god man, what's up with a gangplank that won't even gank before the 20 minute mark, that's like going soraka and saying: don't expect me to heal you, i'm going full armor pen!

You're a nice guy sakenji, and i enjoy playing with you, but people like this should be 950 ELO ffs!
PS: i'm rly fucking drunk.

and seriously, why the fuck would they call him gankplank if all you do is smite wraiths every now and then, and bullshit about how your jungle gets invaded by a talon that's been fed to shit by a russian on vodka!
2 7 gragas here, sup sLL
jungle with ww or noc means 1 kill4sure ^^
For me it depends on how the lanes are going and such. Sometimes I get counterjungled by a couple of opponents at once and don't get any help. If that happens I'm usually too much behind to gank alot and will only do so when a lane is in trouble or a guy is low. Also if ur guy on mid is failing and dies a few times, it gets rather hard to gank there because the lvl difference will be rather high. Ganking as a jungler really depends on how your team is doing imo. But not even showing up to scare em off before min 20 sounds weird. I'm still rather new to the game though, so dno.
Just never jungle like i do!
somehow i don't really believe ya ^.^
i truely never do. look my ranked stats !
i can't play somewhere else because of people like you who play rankeds and don't know how to jungle properly. thats why solo quere sucks hard.
I bet im better in lol as u LOLOL!
yes you don't know me but its okay. tell me what are you better at? because obviously not at jungling, so whats ur point? higher elo @ solo quere? because obviously i care only for premade rankeds.

my point was simple, by playing solo queres sometimes you're forced to do the jungle (especially while picking last when it hasn't been taken yet). if you refuse to communicate with ur team by insta locking and still being able to carry with double duo lane its fine. however you shouldn't say a single word towards people like me, who tries to take proper spots whenever its necessary. 'LOLOL!'
Idc if i win or loose lol ..
fuck off
fuckin kiddy paint trash graphics, also you LoL faggots dont have skill, hon requires so much skill but lol doesnt omgtrolloldh3h3
fkn cheap dota copy pasta trash

image: funny-captions-hello-yes-this-is-dog
well yu is right but you could have been nicer
What is lol?
there is this game and it isnt LoL but some would rague it is somewhat similar.
this game is now free2play and it just so happens that many lol people are curious and give it a try.
that, frankly, is aids.
olaf top real op
a good gangplank only needs his ulti to gank, heueueeuheuheuehuehuh.
you got drunk cause your teammate failed in LoL , nice
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