LoL low elo #6

tanky dps twitch = free elo

madreds bloodrazor is melting the warmogs noobs np

twitchs hidden passive:
taunt all noobs
not so low anymore, is it premade or w/e? :D
maybe ur just nooob???
wtf at:

udyr carried u
i got kicked out of VD :D
udyr was lucky that i have spotted gp in jungle twice after killing trash bot lane
Ye they had such a pro build
lee and gp were impossible to kill until i got mb
whats wrong with warmog @ gp? its pretty much squishy and sometimes tankplank is necessary, wouldn't buy chain vest tho but its okay to rush ie after this but as we can see, he wasn't able to do anything in case twitch carried.
u really have no idea xd

Chain vest is for atmas, ppl dont build gp as ad/crit at mid/high elo anymore.
well actually i do realize that but its about personal preferences i think. i get atmas but not right after warmog, i prefer to get smth like trinity/ie/pd before it (depending on enemy team, but in the most of cases warmog itself is either enough for a longer while or game ends pretty fast anyway - like in this case). still you may be right, i don't play lol for a long time but am always up for some critics and advices, cheers.
If other team has so much slows like janna, twitch, ww(with red), cass you build resist boots if u want to go tankplank.
och, i didn't notice that. haha, idd berserkers are pretty weak @ gp. thanks for pointing that out.
lol u play twitch
u r 1650 elo ?
silize got banned:D
started on a friends acc to play ranked, 1 more win will get me on 1660
why you got banned ?
beeing online 24/7 like u
online isnt gaming
he still gets +/- 45 elo for a win/lose retarded tbh...
so he will drop again !
1 more game with boost, thats it
i want 44 for wins too :< getting after after 20 games still no + 44
How to get so many elo points for a win? :O
Soloqueue is so retarded, I was 5/1/9 as Kassadin in 20 minutes, ganking all the time, but we had this stupid Sion with 1/9 who ragequit, and a Lee Sin who also quit. Things like this happen often enough to give me a delicious 50/50 win-loss ratio which means no ELO climbing.
huhu why u so low elo huuu huuu
U saw the pic of the feeding eve?
The people i get in queue with lately are horrible.
did not see, just poking back!
Lol, where exactly is the tankydps part?
Having 40 mres from wits end or 23 armor from bloodrazors?

Anyway, check own3d, saintvicious is pretty succesfully jungling Warmogh+atma twitch on high elo in NA.

btw dat CS. I play on 1500 elo, and having 119 CS as ad carry in 25th minute is quite pathetic, not even talking about CS of opposing team.
flat MR/armor runes
edit: you have obviously forgot ninja tabis
man if u wanna see real ad carry games with decent cs, check my ashe games ...
i get usually at least 200cs at 25th minute -.-"
also, you are ad carry, not farm farm farm carry who doesnt help team at drag or in teamfights
Anyway, few resists and armor doesent make u tanky dps.
Tanky DPS is Irelia, or Jarvan.
U think u were able to tank so much as Irelia in that game? ;]
not as much as irelia but i sure did more dmg than irelia
jarvan sucks hard anyway nowadays, tried him on my lvl 13 acc and mehhh
even with brutalizer he does trash dmg with his skills and his passive
Actually, this is very wrong.
He just doesent work the same way he used to. In the days before his massive nerfs, u built full tank Jarvan with maybe Triforce and u actually did TONS OF DAMAGE.

Now, some high elo players are starting to play him again, while they build him similiarly as Garen.

2 Doran blades, brutalizer, against heavy AP Hexdrinker, Warmogh, Atma, FoN.
Tried, and it kinda works, dat Q harrass dmg in lane is sick.
ive played jarvan with tri force aswell, doesnt work that well anymore IMO
1 doran on him is more than enough i guess, hexdrinker scales like shit into late (FoN is more than enough)
warmogs and atmas work on every chmp
i still like him but i dont think hes as good as he used to be in the past
also hes getting boring after 50+ matches in s1
idd i agree, even though i don't rly like brutalizer @ my jarv. it's most played champion by me so far and rankeds winning ratio @ 80% says for itself. anyway it's all dependent, you can either counter him @ solo top or in the jungle (which isn't his top notch spot). so in my opinion it can be very viable, same as well outfarmed by others. there's no such a bad pick (except for very few i think) there are only better and worse team setups.
its always funny to see ppl try and do what the pro's do.
Played a jungle twitch the other day that basically went 0/9 xD
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