White Valentine
20 Oct 2011, 18:57
Friends band, very rough early recordings. They've recently won time in a studio to do it a tad more professionally... not ground breaking but solidy 'good', though this is pretty much our scene locally at the minute. A lot better live.
What do people think?
What do people think?
2. takes ages to load the page
3. expected some kinda Rockband and no softstuff tbh :( therefor dislike sry
Successfully mounted & installed, but when trying to play it says "insert cd".
Using virtual daemon.
How easy is this against AI jeez?! 1 trebuchet & a host of archers took out 2 enemies.
np, enjoy the game
I'd just told him to edit it as they couldn't spell for shit, then they rewrit, seemingly used Word synonyms & added that >.<