New Coldplay album
21 Oct 2011, 08:39
what's your toughts on it , you can download it for a little while now im loving it so far :)
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
I am 20 myself, soon to be 21 and i feel pretty old already altho i wouldnt say i am 20 but i feel like 26!
So what is it like and how do you feel about it ?
I dunno, looking back on the 23 year old me I don't see a big difference. I sometimes forget that I should behave like an adult in the meantime... then again I'm not the 33-year-old-family-dad.. so maybe a kid would change things but that's not what I want right now x)
Interesting answer, i am gonna give this a thought or 2!
Did you already pick a walking stick?
but i was a bit disapointed for the princess off china where rihanna is in (dont really like rihanna anyways)
in overall a great album and my personal favourite song so far is hurts like heaven
Viva la vida an this last one are horrible..