cool kids
3on3 Med+
21 Oct 2011, 14:27
Me, Razz, and Phyzic need a good game to play vs now.
Try your best
/q ScarZy
Try your best
/q ScarZy
dunno how can u nerd 24/7 in dead, old & boring game
I finished college for a week @ 12 and played ET twice this week, its a good pass time.
nice nerds
Go Bi0 plx
get life
Internet people are so rude.
nice chick from xfactor
dunno how can u nerd 24/7 in dead, old & boring game
dunno how can u nerd 24/7 in dead, old & boring game
true.. med max.
lol who ?
i was just joking man :) i know ScarZy and he is like one of the top aimer in et :) / olpen
He's got nice aim but that's going a bit far :D
alright harry... btw, check your inbox. Special video for you, it will remind you the SAGE lan :D
Go out nerd
since when you are med+? :D