WoW new expansion

HF WoW players :D blizzard ... wtf ...
New expansion for wow is called mists of pandaria. U're gonna to explore whole new world inspired by asian culture. New race are pandas and new class is gonna be monk.

Out of ideas, add panda's

or let burrowed banelings move

:D they cant be serious with that
thank god that i got my acc banned so i dont have to see that:P
Pandaren monks were one of the first races to inhabit the world of azeroth, they didnt just make them up. KNOW YOUR LORE MAN
Nothing wrong with that :3
enough idiots will buy it :-)
sorry, but time to quit.. dont like it at all :/
Love Pandas
everyone loves pandas, why wouldnt it be good
Is that Panda thingy real or fake?
Its real, or a very very EARLY april's joke
did i just watch kung fu panda 3 trailer?
i hope this is a joke
The same is true with combat. Monks will heal in direct proportion to the damage that they do. So if a monk does 10,000 damage, he will do xx amount of healing. That’s right Monks will heal by kicking ass.”

Monks will wear cloth and will be a hero class like the Death Knight. “We wanted the monk to make an impact as soon as possible, and they will start at level 65 in an instanced starting zone. The first couple of levels
Sounds great...
It sounds a bit fun though, but wondering how they are going to let that work out. Even read somewere that the monk wont have auto attacks.

Only time will tell ;)
are U watching pet(pokemon) system?:D
Nope, havent watched that yet.
Edit: Read it now =) Sounds like fun :D My little personal world destroyer getting raped by a bunny D:
for me it's like pokemon, gonna catch em all :D
damn fuckin true! It will be fucking funny! Gonna catch some shit looking worm customize it to poo-looking thing and pwn all perfect styled nerds =D
We will see how it turns out ;)
it wont be a hero class :)
What does that mean anyway?`

Edit: Oh, well some interviews say that the monk will start at lvl 65 etc.
image: pp62

e: yea i also read some interviews where they said it will start at 65 lvl with special starting zone like DK had but maybe you will be able to create 65 lvl monk after reaching max lvl with any character in expansion.
Fick ja.. a new class where we have to start from lvl 1 from.. mehh i HATE llving but i so wanna TRY ittttt =((( a healer, dps or tank.. then it gotta wear plate.. or have some amazing dodge/parry (druid bear style)

e: within a year or so we will know!
i wanna try companion-pet fights! Hope it will bring more fun than boring pvp and pve =D
I hope southpark will rip this off. This is to good to be true xD
Panda's slaying dragons alright.
wow nerds got free d3 beta key Oo
Learn to read better, those who purchase a 12 month subscription will get Diablo 3 for free. And no, we wow players dont get d3 beta key free. There are currently around 400 beta players in Diablo 3 or so. After the last key sweeptakes.
wrong ;)

u just agree to pay for the next 12 months, so if u choose the 1month payment u will continue to pay every month like normal. ur bound to pay every month for a year then. so no breaks or anything like that

if u currently choose to pay every 3 month u have to pay every 3 month for the next year and so on...^^

those who do that get diablo 3 for free and and beta access to mop xpac when they're out

ofc they only do it so they dont loose subscribers. guys who are playing without pauses anyway are the real ones getting it for free
I am not wrong, those who buy a 12 month subscription (pay for 12 months at once) will get diablo 3 for free.
i meant the 12 month subscription :P a bit misleading^^
First legendary hentai daggers and than panda world!
I stopped playing this game and don't regret it. But why is this such a bad idea? I love pandas :DDD
Every new addons makes me play again for 2 months.
this wont be any different.
Awesomeness inbound
what a sad
Diablo 3 > Sex
everything's awesome (at least for me)
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