Woman & man

my girlfriend was here and it all started again with a useless discussion, i told her to stop she just blablbabalbalblabla over and over again I CAN NOT FUCKING HERE THAT SHIT ANYMORE... she makes me so angry...

so i ask you guys:

Can it work? I mean can a relationship between a Man and a Woman actually work out well for years?

I am in relationship for almost 2 years (not that long) but at the moment it's shit... we don't see each other much... and if we see us we are just fightin and discussiin for nothing...

she kinda pisses me off
Maybe you should spend the time you see, to do somethign more useful than fighting and to all that shit :)

And no, you cant be arguining about something important just forget whatever you were talking about and move on!
squall the person who helps ur reltionships LOLOLOL :D
dump her and play ET, be a man
you can also just start being a faggot
trust me.. a relationship is based on discussions, a relationship can't work without conflicts you know, it shows the love between you and your girlfriend if you stand out these certain conflicts.

E.g. I can't be with a girl I don't have conflicts with.. I prefer the reliable, honest ones.
damn man, i totally agree. but tooo much stress is poison too. but if even the discussions work out well, its totally worth the relationship...
not in million years... they re so drama queens, making arguments out of some useless problems every time and wont even stop no matter what u do / say.
if 2 years and fighting much and dont seeing each other much = WONT WORK!
if 1 year and fighting regularly and seeing each other much = WORKS!
its always a fight for Might,Force,Power... everything in our relationship is like who's better... at least from her side... she is addressing reproaches all the fucking time on me... she always wants to tell me i am the ASS.... i am the one who made a mistake.... i am the one who should say sorry.... every fucking discussion... even when she done something wrong she wants to steal my role as the victim and telling me reproaches over and over again till i feel sick'n'tired...

i know it will be like this with any woman in any "serious" relationship but it is so fuckin frustrating....

i say: "blabla shut the fuck up i dont want to speak about it" she: "wtf? i cant even discuss with u" <- reason: because its all the same...

my solution: giving her right, saying yes its true i am the sleaky bastard... you are the girl.. you are perfect... you look good... guess thats she wants to hear....

its always the same.... no matter what was the topic of discussion it ends in the same...
its not like that in every realtionship, trust me. i had the same when i was younger. shes not worth it then...trust me, i made that mistake. having differences is normal, but not on that level you have it...
but its really hard for me... we got same friends, our parents like each other, we had so good times i like to remember... its hard to take a decision :| i am bad on this... we will see... now going to sleep... maybe i think more clear tomorrow
after a certain time it all comes together, parents get to know each other and shit. but its not worth it, if you get dominated. an unbalanced relationship isnt a relationship!
+1 same here.
fist to the heart then? bro?
yeh its like 80% of girls that are just living out of drama... finding that one that wont cause daily drama just for the lulz of it, is almost impossible.
Maybe if you wouldn't say to her 'shut the fuck up' and try to open the discussing with some common sense and LiSTEN to her( for fuck sakes the answe is in your sentence, how can your girlfriend discuss something with you if you do t want to speak about it and tell her to shut the fuck up. If I was a girl
I'd destroy you by now, let alone me been male)
Or atleast learn some human communication and how to talk to a different person

The problem is you.
for me discussions are okay and normal, and i am arguing and discussing with facts but SHE starts telling me the same shit over and over and over again till i am so angry and i can not even control myself anymore so only 1 thing is there in my head "leave, get the fuck outta here, shut up"...

if you would know her you would know what i mean...

its never only 1 who is the problem, in a relationship there are always 2... thats it... thats the thing she doesnt understand... she is miss perfect... wants to tell me i am the ass, bastard and so on....
if you cant stand her once she opens her mouth there is only one solution:
dump her asap.
there are enough bearable chicks out there
just dont make it THAT short...you cant put it that way. but as he describes it...get rid and be proud of it!
i agree that a woman should have an oppinion to voice. you dont just want a braindead sex toy but you also dont want to get nitpicking over bullshit. if she only pisses you off there is absolutely no reason to keep her.
i would never ever even approach one of them brainless. sex could maybe be good...but i was playing teh same role as our journal opener in my last relationship. everything was focussed on her. SO FUCK HER!
i have a nice girl now, she like me...
Fuck it, and play games and surf the net instead. Don't be a normalfag.
at such current state, dumping her is the best tbh. There is no future in such relationship.

and yes relationships can last for long time, aslong as the person is THE special one :P
heard its working somehow sometimes
i think he is writing that journal just to get approvel to something he already knows! :(
so true... you got me on that ;(
i think you know its is time to move on,
you are 22 so it was, imo, obvious that its not like you get married

in the start it would be hard for you since you were 2 years with the same woman

anyway good luck :~>
but i dunno a better answer :to this topic (
look!! :D

he said im right

seems like i know more than you poor yerman girl!
goood for u ;)

good for me i dont care :)
"we don't see each other much"

Go Spy Kids mode and do some spying. There might be some one in between?
i like being that person in between
nah its not about that... its because of work... and no there is no one in work between :p
Dump that bitch.
u need to plug her mouth so she cant whine anymore
give her some flowers, put some candle light on and have a good bang with her.

repeat after 3 months.
i know exactly what u feel ...........and i dont think its working out cuz ill been there
i know exactly what u feel ...........and i dont think its working out cuz ill been there
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