
Today went play football like a normal day. When I was on my way home, my mate received a call from his friend. The guy on the other side of the phone sound like really desperate and in need of some money. We met with him and he offer me one camera sony cyber shot ps200+1gps tomtom+ 1arnette glasses+polaroid sun glasses+random raybans all for 35euros. I took the chance and he went buy some dope, cheap cocain or more like the random 5euros crack.

I'm thinking about regret and all the shit life bring to us but I'm also really sad because captain night is not rolling with dignitas anymore like use to be in the past.
Anyway do you guys have any drug related problem?or do you know someone who has it?

random songs with a lot of chicks

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btw if u drive, dont forget ur phone!!!
tldr i'm addicted to cigrets
me too. Like stopped for 3weeks but then started again, cant quit :C
same here. all the smokers die...i love those odds :D
I dont want to ruin your ideas but.. even all the nonsmokers die.
that comment was on smoking packs in finland. after realising every1 will die eventually they changed it to smokers die younger
oh,you had "smokers die" written somewhere on smoking packs, forced by government? fucking hilarous
still is. i think its fucking EU whos behind it. and now theyr thinking about putting pictures of cancer on packs
i've been smoking cigarettes for 3 years, and i'm still not addicted, are you jealous?
thats what they all say. sure you can quit anytime but you just dont want to right?
nope, i have better tactics, i never buy cigarettes, i maybe bought 10-15 packs in those 3 years, and in average i smoked 1 cigarette per day, sometimes i smoked more, but then there were times when i didn't smoke for weeks, for example yesterday i smoked a cigarette, and before that i didn't smoke since saturday, and on saturday i smoked probably 3 cigarettes or so, and didn't smoke any before that for a few weeks as well, no problem
wish it worked like that for me to
one must outsmart the drugs before the drugs outsmart you
why do u smoke
because i'm bored
Only low+ hax availabe atm and weed around here is like the one in the teabags.
Addictions are for weak men.
cigrets only
being addicted to anything is for pussies.

but yes i do do drugs.
addiction is for pussies? Lol you don't know anything about addiction if you think its "for pussies"

there are far worse addictions than cigarettes and when you say drugs you probably smoke weed which isnt addicting at all
yes i do smoke weed, i also used speed, ecstasy, shrooms and lsd, and probably some other stuff as well, and i didn't get addicted to anything
youre addicted to altering your consciousness with substances.
well what else are drugs for
countless amount of pointless conversations.
sure they might be pointless, but they're also 65% more awesome than normal conversations
if you take it like this, you should start with water, air, food..
and if you start with this, we could start by ruling out necessary actions which are not really considered addictions by definition, such as eating, sleeping etc. We can however get into more detail by adding normal and abnormal. for example:

- huumeantti is addicted to water.
- huumeantti is addicted to food because he eats a lot more than his body is meant to consume or he is just ignorant and didnt know of this.
well,if you want to take it this way, with definitions and in exact way, then yes.
just hope you got what I meant with my comment.
not really, because it felt like intentional misunderstanding, you knew what I meant.
why am i in this definition
you're not.
oh i see, did you use the super secret admin trick?
whats that? and no.
first of all, im sure ecstacy can be addicting in some way but i used to do it a lot and never found it to be... shrooms and lsd are hardly addicting as well. Speed can be but if you use it a couple times its not that likely you will become addicted unless you begin to use a lot. Heroin on the other hand is another story and being addicted to that it hell for people. Physical pain and convulsions + insomnia and other shit it gets really bad for them.. Its a whole other level and i feel bad for those people above any other addicts
x not addicting
Like I said, I'm sure it is possible to be addicted to it however I never found it to be addicting. I think its mainly cuz each pill has different substances in it so you are always getting something different in your system(other than the mdma)
MDMA was a daily occurance for about a month, cocaine for about 3 months.
mdma is for partying, not for everyday use :$
Indeed, but it was rather enjoyable
still doing cocain?
I only smoke when i go out.
Since i go out almost every day, i smoke.
I'm fucked up :(
Not really.
If you took everything away, I'd probably miss coffee + the internet :)
same here!:)
Belgium Worm is currently in a Drug Rehab Center. Don't give up m8!
thanks for the support ;--)
Yes, i do drugs, but i dont know anyone desperate enough to sell all his stuff for 35€ (and a 35€ coke is shit)
poznam enga ki si je od svojih frendov "sposodu" mobic in ga predal za gram speeda :D
I'm addicted to selling all my belongings.

And rehab.
internet addiction lol
take drugs on a party to bear the party or just to "enjoy" it -> LOL
Complain about weed not being legalized and argue/complain that alcohol is by far more destructiv and is legal and socially accepted -> flawless logic.
Take drugs cause your life is stressful -> You go to school and have not really anything that can be descriped as a "stressful life"

I do know people who take drugs on a "regular" basis but none of their arguments make any sense to me.
my life is stressful and I do drugs :D, although thats not necessarily why I do them l0l
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