#follow.et takeover

Hey girls & boys!
(Yes girls first because I'm maybe a gangsta but a french gentleman gangsta)

This morning I was about to join #follow.et professional hardcore addicted gayming channel but I've noticed that my adress was banned.

Indeed, some random Estoniafag banned almost all the users of #follow.et without any reason.

Fortunately, MarseilleLeFrancis also known as Captain Moustache of the Internet Police managed to solve the problem and unban everyone. Moreover, I banned that guy who spread his hate on our lovely channel.

Captain "MarseilleLeFrancis" Moustache of the Internet Police had the following to say :

QuoteI am sorry for the inconvenience caused by that estonian retard and hope to see you guys back on our channel idling like BO double S. If anyone knows that guy THEREALNORIEGA authed as rEality : *[email protected] let me know it. He'll be severely punished by our competent security services.

image: tumblr_lt6gctBJzI1qhomx8

image: 33956
stop bannir mes proxys -_-
#atomowki.et taken over few days ago too :<
why again? :S
learn to control Q, problem fixed.
The fact is everyone idling on #follow.et gets a +O because we're all friends of the internet, but some nerds find funny to ban people while I'm sleeping.
/MSG Q UNBANME #follow.et for the next time
why would someone waste his time trying to ban users on some channel? can it be more no lify, srsly
ya idd so retarded internet behaviour maybe he hating becoz we stylin on him :SSS
#Follow.et never succumbs
yes nerdismom8
22 user chan taken over? OOOOOOOOMGGGGGGGGG!
image: 573df7174ebfe5db84ed0ca939fa8264

another journal without content made by fuckface Francis
another comment on LeFrancis journal by blinerdi eheheheheh
Oh btw if you want content I've dreamt of Hitler this night
Quote[13:55] <-sBNC> Fri 21 Oct 2011 11:22:32 PM GMT: THEREALNORIEGA ([email protected]) kicked you from #follow.et (ONEOFF|ironic)
i feel sorry for you, it must have been a hard time for you.
I rolled you !
Was my face when i saw that :SSS
cool story bro. good to hear its back in action!
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