PlayStation 3 vs Xbox 360

Salute guys,

so as christmas is getting closer and closer and i have never had a playstation or xbox i was thinking about to make a little present to myself with buying one of them.

so my question is which one is better? means better quality, better games to play, better to handle a.s.o.

are all comon games available for both consoles? if yes, are the prices for the games the same?

what should i keep in mind while buying one of those? i have seen the playstsation has something like a memory? what does it exactly mean?

thanks in advance fellas.

image: macho
wanna post a pic of RAM usage PS3 will own your ass
well both are the same except ps3 is blue ray so = ps3 > xbox360

if im not mistaken ps3 is not cracked yet so = xbox360 > ps3

case close, dont listen to anything else...

oh good :~>

i read that they made progress with jailbreaking it!
havent read about it for a long time

ps3 > xbox360 then!

But its still complicated to do, atleast for me. and you can't play online afterwards.
donno, have to read about it to confirm what you say :~>
nintendo 64 ftw :D
Perfect Dark <3
got an emulator on my laptop since years ofc hehe :)
i don't know about xbox but i have a ps3 for 3 years now and couldn't be happier about it
ask hste for his ps3... oh wait
ps3 blu-ray y kno and better!
got a Gamecube @ uni

image: 920466_front
sooo awesome, started playing it again ;) on pc tho
XBOX 360
ps3 gets hacked :D and it has shit gfx other stuff is same as xbox
xbox better gfx never gets hacked.

ur choice now :D o also it depends on what games u wanna play, some games are better for a particular system.
i prefer the xbox 360
ps3 for free online

xbox for better graphics
ps3 since u dont need to pay to get all the features stuff unlike xbox which u need to pay a monthly subscription.
PS3 is more powerfull, but Xbox easier to port/devellop so many multiplatform games look better on it, but if you have a game that is ps3 only, it will kill the 360.

PS3 have Blue Ray and Free internet
Xbox360 is cheaper

The controller is a personal prefrence

PS: Look how much already posted Ps3 :P

Ps3 online is for free.
ps3 is awesome
Prefered xbox. Ps3 network is free for a reason its shite, Well I dont really like it. The layout and the actually network itself I didnt like. However xbox live is amazing, set out nice to. There just the exact same consoles just ps3 is overpriced in my opinion. I have had both and I went back to xbox. Main reason I went to xbox was because all my friends had xboxes and not much had ps3s. But yeah I Generally like xboxes better than playstations these days. Dont really trust sony after all the accounts getting hacked etc and the ps3 online was down for like 3 weeks? Then they fixed it and like a day or 2 later it was exploited again.

Oh and you cant beat the gears of war trilogy. Or halo.
you can't beat the uncharted franchise... so what you say is shite..

you accidentally got drawn to xbox because your friend have it.. ofcourse you go to xbox then.

Every console got it's flaws and plusses. But your statement rests on opinions and doing what your friends like. not really a good review to give to someone.
Well I have had both, There is no difference between xbox and ps3. I had xbox when it first come out a few months in. In the end we ended up selling it. I just keep getting it back. When ps3 come out like one year on I bought it had it for half the year and decided to sell it for the xbox. The only reason I bought the playstation 3 for. and the only game I would want it for was metal gear solid 4. I have played all the metal gears from metal gear solid onwards loved everygame there was no way I was missing out on that game. I also played final fantasy XIII on playstation 3 and xbox 360. No noticable difference at all besides ps3 = 1 disk. Xbox = 3 disks.

You can not say that xbox live isnt a lot better than the network. The layout is just much more amazing. Its also not a biased view because I had a PC for 8 years? None of my friends play on PC and think wtf do I play on PC for? So like wtf I didnt go out and sell PC just for my friends or anything. I am not biased I just prefer the xbox. There is no difference at all between the ps3 and xbox besides one is overpriced I really dont think the ps3 was worth all the money. Network sucks got hacked bad style.

However ps3 = awsome just because of metal gear solid 4. AMAZING GAME.

I seen a further comment about xbox 360 getting broke. You are correct it does get broke a lot. Atleast everyone I know in my previous school who had an xbox like literly all had the ring of death atleast once. We all have yeah its bad. Since the slim 360 Think the problem has gone could be wrong. Never played enchanted. But I have played god of war didnt really enjoy it at all.
uncharted ^^

and I understand your point of view. well said.
ps3 if ur not a hardcore console gamer
how can you say that :S
because xbox is more for online play? while ps3 got free online gaming but not much support + blue ray and media streaming support etc
doesn't the Xbox get broken all of the time?
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