singing attempt with mah homies :P

so yesterday was an awesome day. left guy on the vid passed all of his exams, so he was throwing a party. we started drinking around 4 pm, and two hours later before the bitchez came and before going clubbing, while we were well "oiled up" one of our fav songs started playing. so taken by alcohol we had no choice, but to show our talent :D btw i'm the right guy on the vid. enjoy

and this was the song

Which one are you?
you seem like a cool guy
yeah, wanna fuck?
great nothing special when drunken eh :D
what is this shit
it's how I seduced ur mum and created u with one extra chromosome
ur a cancer mongol my mom wouldn't even touch you with a stick, you look like a gypsy
yeah I tend to go on sunlight every day
great hope you'll catch some cancer
ugly computer nerds trying to be cool since 2003.
hahahhaha says a brit ROFL. how epic is that
btw ding I forgot to tell u why I love u. it's beacuse u come from a shitty village just like me, and now u're going to uni in a big city just like me = u survived the primitive surroundings and managed to save urself :D

anyways my village has 500 people, 125 houses. we have 3 pubs, 1 shop. also an elementary school till 4th grade, post office, church, fire department (rofl), fisherman union, hunters union and a football club. tell me about urs :)
You're right, we both have the same situation, except that i'm currently following my second year at uni :)

So, my village is kinda similar. 600 people, 1 pub, 1 bakery, 1 butcher's shop, 1 doctor, 1 pharmacy, 1 CHIPSHOP (yeeeaaaah), of course a stupid church, and more shops.

But we don't have bus, we don't have train, we constantly need a car (way easier since i've my driving license, but my parents also need their cars :D) and it really suuuucks.

I forgot to talk about the people. They are all consanguineous and retarded :D
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