mIRC for iPhone 4s


i cant find a good mirc version for my phone..any idea where to get it?
can i join with my bouncer there?
i can see the "Colloquy Bouncer" and everything needed to be connected @ bouncer, so i think yes you can
can put infos etc but dont know how to connect :O

there must be smth @google
If you can add custom servers, then you can connect with your bouncer :)
and any other nice app suggestions?
seriously u have nothing to do just nerd 24/7 in irc on iphone, zzzzzzzz
well, et/esport serious business ;) just wanted to know and just needed to give latest admin related informations in case i am @work or something needs to be done/changed...
more looks like apple attentionwhoring
The way Apple's multi-tasking works (unless its changed since I last looked at it) active network connections can only go on for about 10-15 minutes in the background before being killed. If you're looking to have a persistent connection to IRC, that's something to keep in mind.
Don't know about mIRC as I don't have an iPhone, but I'm sure there are other IRC clients available for iPhone.
limechat mate :) have it myself on my ipod touch, works like a charm!
IRC999, I've been using it for a few months now, works quite nicely.
only bought the 4s because of siri?
Andchat is quite awesome for android. dunno if u can find it on the appstore tho.
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