eswc cs

omfg are you kidding me?

i just checked for the first time a cs livestream with german moderation ( ) and this is just bullshit..the moderator is talking bullshit, he is talking without any emotions and no pressure at all. i thought cs is serious business.

or is it just the shit german shoutcaster (named knochen)? any other/better cs streams?
du kennst knochen nicht ;)? der is noch der emotionalste caster in ger tbh... hättest dir mal mase von esltv gebn müssen der war erst schlimm^^
ne sorry, aber das ist unterste gürtellinie..ich meine bei einem mainstreamgame wie cs...da is jeder et cast besser
ja sein gegröhle etc nervt öfters. aber irgendiwe stehn die user darauf... ist ja das gleiche mit dem greatfrag typen da. der schreit ja nur zbsp
gimme a stream with english commentary please <3
the greatfrag commentator is fairly annoying tho...
playing fking minesweeper during pauses
knochen war früher besser, aber er macht stimmung auf seinem stream. Joe von der esl war natürlich gut
Quotethe moderator is talking bullshit, he is talking without any emotions and no pressure at all

at least you can understand him and he doesnt shout "wooooowowowowo" every 2 seconds like other shoutcasters ^_^
most of casters are just doing it for fun and for the sake of having streams, its pretty much same if you would stream ettv games but not really beeing into casting it could seem to be "boring" to an outsiders is pretty good, having some player insight aswell
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