LoL journal. Need help >:(

So, i've done same journal while ago and didnt had any luck. So trying again.

I'm going on this one finnish lan at FinlandKajaani. Quite small.

There is a LoL tournament where we're going to play with friends.

BUT, the tournament is going to be played on Nordic & East servers.
So the problem is that all of us plays on West and we have no smurfs on east(We were leveling one accounts each but it was so fucking boring so we really neve get to lvl it more than lvl 10+). Other mates have managed to get lvl20+ accounts from somewhere on East so its only me missing one.

So I'm asking if anyone here is willing to borrow LoL Nordic & East account for me.(lvl 20+. Really prefer if it was 30 of course)

Mentioned on previous journal that I dont have anything to give in return.
Only pictures of random hot chicks :)

I will need the account for one day only. (27th-30th, some of these days. Dont know wich one yet)

So if anyone got one to borrow I'd be really happy =)

I'll bring fame and glory for your account! 8D

/q Niki0o @ #what? or pmme here

Off to bed. Cy@

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Random chick:
sorry i only have a west account, else i would give it to you and thanks for the nice boobs that are compressed <3
y u no tournament client
no such a thing at that lan :XD
hmm just switch ur acount to nordic, and after switch it back to eu?
1st time its free, 2nd time is 2600 RP
purchase region transfer code and your problem is solved?D: it doesnt cost 2 much
Never used any money on this game and never will.
that's the spirit!
would loan u mine, but only lvl 14 or so :<
send me a pm if you got xfire would like to talk about it first before i lent you my accoutn :)
Dont have xfire :( IRC anytime!
which channel?
there is none :S?
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