team fortress

Hello crossies :*

I've got little question to you :) What you think about tf2 :)?
heard its free now, where can i get it? :D
yee that's true :) i guess here :)
i never gave another game than ET a chance (only quakelive and fifa, but everyone knows that fifa is awesome)
tf2 is awesome..i like to watch the big etf2l games ;)
fun to play every once in a while. or every day. more fun with friends though
this game don't need skills, owned some pubs at first day witch this game.
Quite funny. The only bad thing is that it's not a real fast gameplay and movements.
played it and got sorta bored of it, dont like the rock-papers-scissors between some classes :/
I enjoy playing it but have no one to play with...

[insert alone pic here]
image: 12478835416pnXQXZ

e: got problems installing it, will try ton8 again
are there any clans or smth ?
Yea there are but most players are just shit!
ahhh ok, thx :)
got bored after a while
really funny game :)
it's awesome
was fun first 2 hours then got bored.
is fun to play with others, though opponents are, as supprising as it sounds, by far not as good as in ET mostly :/
(on pubs)
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