Random Chicks Volume 19

Im trying to find a new style of journalmaking atm. Imo only chicks are a bit boring and not everyone is interested in girls here (hi fins), so i try to mix up some things here and post also some questions, pics, vids and tracks. I hope you enjoy it :)

Studentlife is busylife. Went to Uni, Mensa, washed my clothes, went buying food, put clothes into the dryer (?), cleaned my room, ironed the clothes, went buying something to drink, took a shower, waiting for my food to be ready now (Chicken Wings y0!) and later gotta go to an infoevent at uni and after it party hard :)

How was your day?

Hey its called Random chicks, isnt it? So this time you wont see thaaat many models, but some more really random chicks :>

image: iqk4jjtr
image: pqjo6s9f
image: 9ryvf4j7
image: 2scpubep
image: c4odfy2r
image: 5xahjw27
image: jw5vljlu
image: gv9w7jlu
image: g4y5fv8o
image: rcqdrs4w
image: orx33thu
image: 4kd8b2kx
image: n3yaepkv

image: sluzv
image: tumblr_ltlrlcon5U1qdlh1io1_400

Im doing this journals not, because i want to have all the hot chicks in zeh web. Im doing it so you guys out there can see some entertaining journal. so stop flaming, or i stop doing this kind of journals :(
woke up, made coffee, opened computer, drank coffee, showered, driving lesson, lunch, computer
I don't think that freckles are the bad thing that some people make out them to be, but I certainly don't think that freckles make an un-hot girl, hot.
9 11
6 not so random ( from Lost) but still good
get a life
1 & 8

& fucking baby deserved it
4, 10 & 12.
12, t'es sérieux? T'as pas vu la gueule qu'elle a?
justement j'ai juste envie de prendre sa tête entre mes deux mains et de liui faire des bisous partut sur l visage
Worst random chick journal ever, seriously..
image: 41787_214277156210_9019_n
because i didnt upload that many models this time?
Because of 2, 3, 9 and 12 :(
next time i will post some really hot ones just for u :~)
Can't wait <33333333

must agree :)
Goed zo vriend :)
jij heb teminste nog smaak :$
4/8 and 13 for b00bs
Evangeline Lilly is not a ranbom n°6..
i think parzi should make these journals
i think he should post fotos bout her :3
i dunno so long i see shaking asses i am happy
these asses are instant boner :$
3 (<3), 8 (<3), 13
i dont think u can see nr 12 when its snowing :D
2 + 3 + 12 = fucking ugly.... not my taste atleast.

others are sick as usual!
waar hang jij rond in veenendaal?
niet bij die lelijke chicks dus

of ben je er zo eentje die elk weekend naar de markt gaat?

'kga mee met maten naar bunnik (brothers) of naar wat groter feest in "grotere" steden.

en wat voor eentje ben jij er?
naja ik hoopte dat je zei, daar en daar kom ik wel eens en die en die ken ik. dunno vraag me af wie je bent :D

maar ik hang rond door heel veenendaal eigenlijk, skeer dus ga niet echt vaak weg en als ik weg ga zijn het grote hiphop feesten

zoals: http://shar.es/bY7jV
I like how you smuggled Mensa in there.

image: bettie-500
I just found out how hard it is to find a picture of her looking old
6 is the girl playing in LOST
kate, aka evangelina lily....how you dont know that
I know! just wanted him to remember her name by himself --'
1 and 8 look great

2 is ... weird
5, 11 and parziii <3

wtf at 7
sup with 7 ?

u dont like brown eyes ?
5 and 13 (even before the boobs popped up)
my day: had an exam @ 7 am!!!!!! coffee @ students pub, lunch @ students messhall, drank a beer @ students canteen, went back to flat, took a shit, checked facebook, went to take a nap (two annoying phone calls woke me up), studied a bit, went to urban economy class. atm browsing crossfire....

I approve zeh chicks
1 & 5, too much pics taken from the chive though. :p
1 6 11 13
2 and 3 wtf so many freckles :D

13 was awsome then I seen her tits and was like WOAH

5 6 hot to:D
awesome track and awesome red hair girls !
how dare u not playing et in ur day? shame on u
I am dissapointed in you son. Most of the random chicks aren't that hot. I'd do 13, just for the tits and 8 because she has red hair. Never did something with a red hairy girl before.

Anyway, put it up, high five
1, 10, 11

10 got so cute eyes *.*
5 and 8 hmmm great work razzah
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