pr0blem officer?

So i got brothers laptop, he already bought new one and i thought if i could fix this shit up, it could be better than my own laptop. annnnyway..
so if i start the windows its okay, but after few minutes after it loads the programs computer just shuts itself down.
runs okay in safe mode tho, but if i wanted to boot it also shuts down, so what might be preventing this problem?
overheating? and what should i do?
disable all startup progrs, enable them 1 by 1 and boot and see which one causes the problem
if nothing helps, disable all hardware and enable 1 by 1
if that won't help either: format c

unlikely that the laptop is overheating after a few seconds/minutes
ok ty ill try this also :P
you could install speedfan on it and see what the temperatures are like, doesnt sound too much like an overheating problem tbh
everest > speedfan

speedfan = 30% fake
hwinfo, gpu-u, cpu-z work well too.
With my limited skills in computer telepathy, I'd say it's rather unlikely it overheats. However, you can try vaccuuming the ventilation holes to remove some of the dust stuck in the heatsinks and such.
Other than that, it could be any number of things from various software borkages to hardware faults such as a broken RAM module.

If it was your brother's, I'd reinstall the OS on it. It could help, and starting off a clean surface is always nice.
ill try ty
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