diablo 2 ladder reset now

servers went down 1 hour ago and will be up in 1-5 hours. Who is playing? I'm in some 8 man party (organized via d2jsp) and playing a frenzy barb :P

playing wow/et till D3 hits the shelves
wasn mit deinem profil los? voll kollegah aka hurensohn am fanboyen? du enttäuschst mich. so ein dreck was der macht :S
Doesnt need to hit the shelves for us.
Zie je bijna niet meer on =O
vind die bg's en dungeons allemaal zo saai :(
good stuff
start with spear baba for the sake of fun
last ladder i played was like 5 years ago. i play only nl since some time =)
What u mean with ladder reset?
can you tell me what diablo is about? :S is like like a champion you have to train and do quest? free game? more relative info would be great
its the best fucking game ever fucking made, FUCKING FUCK AWESOME
pretty much this
lol expected a comment like this, pls more info xd
2d Top view RPG, with the best item system ever made, extensive learning curve, challenging gameplay through out. Extensive character development, loads of build possibilities.

Its just awesome, so awesome.
should i start with Diablo 1 and then 2? or just play 2 following 3 when it comes?
well diablo 1 is allright for nostalgic value, but i doubt you'd enjoy its REALLY REALLY dated graphics.

Also its good for the story but not really needed.

I suggest you start with 2 now, as its still very relevant, there's lots of stuff written about it all around the web (including detailed algorythms, diagrams and what not on stats, item stats etc etc).

3 isn't gonna be out till at least next year probably, so just play 2 to get a feel for the game and play 3 when it comes out!
I'm up for this if some awesome-xfire-party is ready to pwn
-[ 10:42.00 ]- -( aTrueBaaler ): vConsole.Uptime: 0 days 2 hours 19 minutes 29 seconds. ± Bots online: 1/1 ± Total runs: 228 ± Total crafts: 0
-[ 10:42.00 ]- -( aTrueBaaler ): Account: Altsi Location: In game Success: 95% Runs: 228 FTJs: 0 Level: 80[19%] Ping: 93 Gold: 4 Crafts: 0 Stash: 60%
i wish i had time and motivation to play diablo 2 again but having played it for so long time i have lost all the motivation. i'm looking forward to diablo 3 now
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