diablo 2 ladder reset now
25 Oct 2011, 19:12
servers went down 1 hour ago and will be up in 1-5 hours. Who is playing? I'm in some 8 man party (organized via d2jsp) and playing a frenzy barb :P
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
playing wow/et till D3 hits the shelves
start with spear baba for the sake of fun
Its just awesome, so awesome.
Also its good for the story but not really needed.
I suggest you start with 2 now, as its still very relevant, there's lots of stuff written about it all around the web (including detailed algorythms, diagrams and what not on stats, item stats etc etc).
3 isn't gonna be out till at least next year probably, so just play 2 to get a feel for the game and play 3 when it comes out!
-[ 10:42.00 ]- -( aTrueBaaler ): Account: Altsi Location: In game Success: 95% Runs: 228 FTJs: 0 Level: 80[19%] Ping: 93 Gold: 4 Crafts: 0 Stash: 60%